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Miverna motioned for Mrs. Himmler to follow her after she had led the last of the wives from the great hall, only the goddess, Deverra remaining at the queen's side. 

"Are you enjoying yourself, My Queen?" Storm looked over at his flushed mistress who was evidently enjoying herself very much just as her eyes lit up at the sight of Hans entering the room, a moan escaping her lips. 

Turning toward the sight that had elicited such a raw reaction from his woman, Storm was surprised to see the man he'd known since he was a child leading two young boys into the room, chains fastened around their necks, their father also in chains as Hans gripped the thick metal links with his black leather gloves.

"Oh god..." Lanecea moaned in earnest, already writhing on her throne at the sight of Hans in his uniform. 

So the man had dared to step out of the shadows after all. 

Hans met Lanecea's eyes, the woman very pleased as she wriggled with desperate need as he tossed the vampire unceremoniously at his feet, the clinking chain already announcing the vampire's fate.

The man was merciless and unrelenting as he circled his victim although the Italian vampire didn't understand a word he said. Some of the cardinals were just as excited as Hans humbled the vampire who mistakenly thought he could keep his identity a secret, sending his sons to church Sunday after Sunday. Lanecea shivered, watching as the knowledge that there was no place to hide dawned on the man with soulless eyes.

"It's so perfect, I can't bear it," Lancea whispered her confession, shivering from head to toe.

It was amusing to watch her reaction, but Storm knew what she needed. Lifting his queen from her throne, he pinned her against his chest as he remained standing, giving her an unobstructed view of the entertainment that was just for her as he pressed his cock between her legs, sheathing every last inch. The babies, unable to sleep, shifted out of the way of his invading penis as Storm held her carefully, ensuring he didn't scramble the babies' brains as he began to thrust hard and deep, each thrust matching Hans' strike.

"MmmmmMMmmmmmm," Lanecea mewled, struggling to breathe as her excitement reached higher and higher when the vampire's own sons joined in, although still chained together.

Hans never stopped for a second, red marks crisscrossing in an intricate pattern across the vampire's pale flesh as the undead creature howled in pain, the warrior dressed in black looking up from his victim only long enough to flash Lanecea a wink that spoke volumes to the woman struggling with all that was in her not to cum without permission. Lani soaked Storm's cock as she clung to him in her desperation, her body and emotions working together to drive her insane with longing and desire. 

"I've discovered the solution to your dilemma, Sweetheart," Hans smiled at the flushed woman. "Is it not perfect?"

"Mmmm....oh yesss...." 

Lani couldn't figure out why she hadn't thought of it sooner, after all, it wouldn't be the first time in history that vampires had turned on their own kind and with the percentage of their mother's bloodlines, no matter how small, it increased the possibility that these boys would be more ruthless in their desire to destroy their own kind than even her shifters were. 

"So perfect..." Lanecea managed to gasp, referring to her observation although it was difficult for those gathered to tell what exactly she was referring to as Storm thrust hard within her at the very moment, the sting of Hans' metal stick coming down hard on the vampire's bones at the same time as the boys used their fists and feet to ensure their father wouldn't be able to stand again any time soon. 

"Prince Thorson, those boys are yours. Grab the chains," Hans commanded not realizing Thorson was struggling not to slip in his overflowing cum and wasn't able to think clearly by this point.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now