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Darkness lingered in the air - a darkness that had nothing to do with it approaching midnight. The church bells had not fallen silent in hours, the tolling of the bells announcing another had fallen. The allies remained still, holding their breaths while remaining on high alert for any sign of the Black Sun Army or any other threat to the vampires they had sworn to protect.

Ignacy stepped away from the others hidden within the trees, completely unaware that he and his comrades had sought shelter among the dryads - each loyal to Lanecea. No one shifted a muscle without the knowledge of the dryad spies.

"Are you lost, Ma'am?" Ignacy stepped out of the shadows, momentarily distracted by her hair as it shimmered in the soft moonlight.

The woman's smile that didn't quite reach her eyes was the last thing Ignacy saw before his world went black.

Llia watched, remaining invisible, as the vampire hybrid was taken down by her mother's guards before she looked up into Freya's eyes.

"Now?" Llia whispered.

Freya was terrible at making decisions, and besides, she and the young goddess had only followed from a distance to ensure the capture went smoothly - so smoothly that Lanecea's guards would be protecting Lanacea once more when Storm returned. She didn't need to ask Llia what she was referring to, Herja's step-daughter impatient to begin her assignment.

"Not yet, Sweetie - we will wait for your father to return before giving her one last chance to change her mind - to prove her loyalty to your mother."

The goddesses stepped back allowing the guards who didn't see them to pass by, their victim draped in black slung over Heinrich's shoulder. Herja walked between the guards but glanced over at the goddesses as though she could see them as she briskly rubbed her arms, suddenly chilled.

"If she betrays Mamma's trust, promise me you won't put any limits on my power. I want to have fun with my stepmother."

"Don't harm her - your Mamma won't like it."

"Mamma doesn't love her."

"That's beside the point. Your mother doesn't have a cruel bone in her body and will be very upset if you take it too far. Besides, she's married to your father. Don't cross a line, Princess."

Llia grinned at Freya as she held the older goddess' hand, the two following the vigilantes back to their headquarters. She wouldn't ask the question that was burning in her mind, "Where, exactly, is that line?"


Lanecea was delighted her men had returned before Storm, her master plan working perfectly as they stepped in the door with the hybrid still conscious.

"Well done!" Lanecea praised Herja and her men as she watched Heinrich strap Ignacy to a chair, binding him so tight that the rope cut into his muscles. Lani was over-the-moon excited as her eyes trailed over her first captive before turning her attention to Herja who was almost as excited, the adrenalin rush still coursing through her veins. "I'm proud of you," Lanecea whispered before kissing Herja's cheek. "Come, let's put the children to bed then we can have some fun before Storm returns."

"Aw Mamma, do I have to go to bed? I really wanted to watch."

"Not tonight, Darling. It is not a night for girls to be awake. Hurry, please, and get ready for bed. I'll join you in a few minutes."

Lanecea watched as Revna obeyed, her three daughters heading upstairs without a backward glance.

"The uniform suits you, Lady Wolfstein," Jans complimented Lani but was blushing.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now