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The full moon disappeared behind the clouds as lightning streaked across the sky, but there was no rain. Lanecea shivered as she ran across the grass just after midnight focusing on the forest in the distance although fear trailed up and down the length of her spine. She really should have asked Thorson to accompany her, in hindsight, or at least told her men what she was up to, but there was that big word, trust. Lanecea didn't trust them fully after all.

Lanecea could have said, "I'm sorry I'm running late," or "I have less than an hour before I need to return to the babies," but she didn't want to waste a second as she stepped within the grove, the dryads bowing to the queen as they surrounded the man she was meeting in the storm: Hans.

"I don't trust..." Lanecea began, her voice trembling with fear as chain lighting flashed across the sky.

"I know - and well you shouldn't. Women like you..." Hans paused, searching his memory for a long moment. "There's never actually been anyone remotely like you. You must be very cautious. Now come. There is something I wish for you to see and here, I brought you a little gift. Don't get caught."

Lanecea's fingers trembled as she opened the lid, her breath catching in her throat.

"Oh Hans..."

"I knew you'd love it," Hans smiled down at Lani before reaching for her hand. "Come. We don't have much time."

Lanecea didn't hesitate, resting her free hand within his as Hans led her deeper into the grove.

"The dryads will need to lift their ban on Herja if this plan is to work," Lanecea whispered as Hans led her into the underground chamber, slowing down his pace instead of taking the stairs two at a time.

"I've already spoken with the Oak dryad tonight and he has agreed to rescind his sentence temporarily. If she..." There was no need for Hans to finish his sentence as they reached the cavern just below.

Lanecea was no longer thinking of Herja and their great plan as she squeezed Hans' fingers tighter, unable to express her joy with words.

"Eva thought you'd love it, Sweetheart. She and your friends worked tirelessly on the surprise."

Lanecea was still speechless as she pulled her hand away from Hans' before tenderly tracing the perfect stitching of the intricate design with her fingertips.

"Oh Hans..."

"No tears..." Hans grinned, tenderly brushing stray tears that tumbled down her cheeks as Lanecea caught a glimpse of her great vision and the care her priestess followers showed their leader.

Lanecea smiled up at Hans, "Please let the girls know it took my breath away. I'm very grateful, but we need to get down to business. I'm running out of time and don't want the men to worry should they wake up and discover I'm gone. I don't feel that they are ready for this secret quite yet..."

"They have good reason to be so protective of you, but you are correct. We are running out of time. What do you have for me?"

Lanecea reached into her skirt pocket, pulling out a carefully folded piece of paper.

"I will need the help of my police as I cannot do this on my own. This is all the information I have been able to find on these men, but I am sure they will be able to take it from here."

Hans' eyes were as pale as lightning as he read Lanecea's handwriting before sliding the paper into his breast pocket.

"They will be found, and I will take care of your other little problem as well."

"Thank you, Hans. May I ask a favor of you?"


"Thank you," Lanecea hesitated for a long moment, searching for the perfect way to vocalize what had been burning in her head. "I want you to begin training my assassins. It is important that I be able to control them easily and you know that no one is afraid of me. That needs to change. My heart..."

Lanecea leaned her forehead against Hans' shoulder as though she could transfer her inner thoughts to him without having to find words to express how turbulent her heart felt.

There is a saying, "What would Jesus do?" but that saying wasn't much help to Lanecea. Hans, however, knew exactly what Lanecea needed at that moment.

"What would Wolfstein do?"

Lanecea raised her troubled eyes to meet Hans' as she pondered that question.

"He would gather allies he could trust as he expands his network, but he would only trust a select few that remain at his side. Wolfenstein wouldn't approve of my idea... Actually, he'd be dead against it. "

"Then what would he do?" Hans asked, gently prodding Lanecea's thoughts in the right direction.

"He'd set up a wolf's lair, surround himself with those he knows for a fact have his back, and only then would he strike back. Wolfstein wasn't ashamed of having to lay low from time to time, disappearing even for months at a time. So out of my two ideas, there is only one that Wolfstein would give his blessing to. Thank you for helping me, Hans."

"You're very welcome, Sweetheart. Wolfstein would have treasured you. It is a pity you both never met..."

"I would have loved to have met him. Sometimes, I cannot help but feel that he was my soul mate."

Hans didn't comment, Lanecea so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't notice Hans' eyes turn silver. He remained silent as Lanecea reached for one of her many leather-bound books, laying it out before them on a long, narrow table.

"This is the territory I am currently focusing on, so this is where I believe my police force needs to begin their search. I'm not sure how to bring up the topic with Herja yet, or if it is really necessary. I want her to be one of the first that you begin training. If I can win her devotion, I believe she will be a human weapon... You'll do that for me, won't you?"

"Of course. That shouldn't be too difficult. She likes you far more than you like her - it's obvious."

Hans, of course, was aware of the reason Lani couldn't like Storm's wife, the man letting the matter drop when Lanecea fell silent once more, her fingertip trailing down the thin parchment page.

"I will need a map...preferably one that has one of those flip plastics over top. Have it printed with a current map of North America, but beneath, I want an accurate map of the underground tunnels. Have another drawn up of Great Britain and one of Britanny, France. It is a huge undertaking, but I have time on my hands. Wolfstein would understand my need to lay low and be a sandwich maker for the time being while my lair is prepared. Have those men brought to me. They must be found and as for Herja..." Lanecea raised her green eyes at last, "She needs to be well-trained and ready. I want to be able to trust her or I have no use at all for that woman. You haven't seen ruthless yet..."

Hans knew Lanecea was very serious as she looked up at him, giving her chief of police a glimpse of her soul and the very reason he was crazy about her.

The gods had made a huge mistake in honoring the Secret Keeper's foolish vow she had made to her best friend. Lanecea was meant to be Wolfstein's bride, the woman as dangerous as her husband.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now