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"Faster!" Lanecea's voice was breathless as it fanned Storm's ear, waves of electricity that matched hers coursing through his body. "Please!"

How could Storm deny her?

Attempting to see past her hair whipping against his face, Storm's muscles clenched beneath her hands as she clung to him before he sent her soaring once again.

"Mmmm yes!" Lanecea struggled to catch her breath as she clung to Storm, the two defying gravity if only for a few minutes as he leaped over the last hill before they reached the train tracks.

"And they told me you're afraid of heights," Storm grinned as he flipped Lanecea over until she was lying on her back beneath him in the wildflowers. "At this rate, I'd say I've managed to cure you."

Lanecea giggled, struggling in vain to catch the air that had been knocked out of her lungs.

"I'm still afraid of heights," Lanecea informed him, "but I know you'll always catch me. I trust you."

Trust was an enormous gift and something Storm didn't take for granted, however, Lanecea didn't give him a chance to ponder her words for more than a minute.

"Can we do that again please?"

"Of course, we can," Storm corrected her improper use of grammar, "but not until later. I'm going to be busy until this evening. Perhaps tomorrow, if you're a good girl, I'll let you race on my back again."

It was as good as a promise, after all, Lanecea was always a good girl.

"Thank you," Lanecea whispered before licking the salty taste of his sweat off Storm's chest.

Soft mewling moans escaped her lips as Lanecea continued to bathe the centaur with her lips and tongue, stopping at the point where his smooth skin turned into fur and the boy merged into a beast.

White froth lingered on his heaving flanks, but Storm didn't switch back into his human form as they lay together just inside the edge of the forest. Storm was able to control his nature choosing when to switch into his centaur form just as Lanecea would need to learn how to control her soul. It felt special and safe to be able to trust each other with carefully guarded secrets.

"We'd better head back," Storm interrupted her thoughts. "I need to get my clothes from the barn and then Dieter is taking Wilhelm and I out for more training. You should be alright until I get back. I took care of that issue before we left..."

"Oh thank you! I'll miss you tho..."

"I'm not leaving yet," Storm comforted her before giving Lanecea a kiss that would keep her a tingling, melting mess until he returned, not at all bothered that her mouth tasted like him.

Aware that she was more than a little dizzy, Storm swept Lanecea off her feet, swinging her onto his back before retreating down the gravel road until the rocks sprayed as he flew over the ridge, keeping them momentarily suspended between time and space. It was fun to surprise Lanecea, her joy tangible as she clung to him. Lanecea didn't release her hold, kissing trails up and down the side of his neck and then across his shoulders even after Dieter's barn came into view.

"You're up early," Wilhelm grinned as he reached up to help Lanecea down from Storm's back. "Dad is almost finished with the milking. He said he wants to head out as soon as he washes up."

"I'll be ready," Storm assured the boy before disappearing behind the hay to shift back and change into the clothes he'd left behind just before dawn.

"Lanecea, Mom would like to see you before you head home."

"Okay, thanks. I'll go see her now."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry I didn't attend your coronation last night. I would have if I had known but none of us kids were allowed at the meeting. Dad said it was too risky."

"It's okay, Wilhelm, I understand. Technically I wasn't there either."

Wilhelm laughed before growing serious.

"We'll do something later, don't worry. Johann was pretty upset too. He was grounded today because he wouldn't stop bugging his dad to be a knight."

"Poor Johann," Lanecea giggled, "I'll see if I can visit him later. It's not his fault for being so excited."

Storm leaned against the barn post listening to their conversation until there was a longer pause.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Storm offered.

"How are you at mucking out stalls?"

Storm grinned at the blonde, "You'd be surprised..."

Brushing a kiss on Lanecea's forehead, Storm waited until she disappeared into the sunlight before beginning to work alongside the young farmer.

"Thank you for taking care of her for me."

"No problem. The vampires would be fools to come here and snoop around. This whole area is a wasp nest just waiting... You probably met her parents by now. They never invite anyone inside their house so we can only watch from a distance but Dad says she's still safer living in the center of the nest but with a family who isn't one of us. I don't always understand but I guess they know best. Dad and his friends are lucky they weren't executed too."

Naturally assuming that Storm was up-to-date on their history and inside intel, Wilhelm didn't realize that he wasn't making much sense to the young king, his words more like gibberish.

"Ready?" Dieter appeared, rubbing his still-damp hands on his jeans. "I want you to show me what you boys are capable of. We can never be too prepared."

Lanecea watched as Dieter led the young men through the field behind his farm, heading toward the forest with pitchforks and axes in hand. Butterflies fluttered in her chest at the sight of Storm gripping one in each hand before she turned her attention back to Mrs. Wagner who shifted her newest baby in her arms before reaching for a four-inch-thick hardcover book.

"My husband thought you might enjoy some light reading," Mrs. Wagner explained as she passed Lanecea the book with a smile. "He asked me to be sure to tell you that he's not in a rush for you to return it but would rather you take your time so you understand the contents. If you have any questions..." The German woman began to unfasten the top of her dress before Lanecea blushed as she quickly looked away. "... Dieter is usually in the barn."

"Thank you, Ma'am. I'm really looking forward to reading it. Oh, and if you ever need any help with anything, I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind. I help out with the little ones at church all the time."

"That is so sweet of you to offer. I'll have to come over and introduce myself to your...mother. You know you are always welcome to visit, even if I'm busy or the boys are at school."

"Thank you! I better get home before Mom wakes up. Thanks again for the book," Lanecea waved before running down the three stairs and down the long driveway, stopping only long enough to gently stroke the bridge of the cows' noses as they pressed against the fence. "And good morning to you too!"

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt