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Lanecea hadn't lied when she told Storm that she was going to set up a command center when she'd first headed to Italy while he left for work instead of joining them

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Lanecea hadn't lied when she told Storm that she was going to set up a command center when she'd first headed to Italy while he left for work instead of joining them. It had taken her a bit of time, but Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.

The command center was humming with activity by the following morning. Lanecea didn't have time to sleep in her cold, empty bed, the woman existing on pure adrenaline as she ensured her master plan was carried out.

"Is there a map? I would love to see how far my territory stretches... Llia, Darling, as a goddess of the harvest, you should bring a welcome basket from our gardens to Mr. and Mrs. Jullian. It will show our generosity and how happy we are that they have moved onto our lands. Mrs. Himmler will accompany you."

"Yes, Mamma, I will make sure they lack for nothing." 

"That would be wonderful," Lanecea encouraged her daughter to embrace her role. "Mrs. Himmler, have you contacted your network yet? Be sure they are prepared..."

"Yes, Gretchen is already receiving responses to the mass email she sent out. I brought you the report...I believe you will find it interesting."

"Well done," Lanecea accepted the document before holding it out so Hans could read it over her shoulder. "I will need to double-check, Sir, but if I am correct and that Wolf Whisperer  did, indeed, cause the massacre, we have a short window of time to act before the vampires strike back."

"Not enough time, Sweetheart, especially with this sudden change of plans. I know you are determined to see your vision through, but since Herja..."

Lanecea looked up at Hans, giving him a brief glimpse of the sorrow lingering in her soul, but didn't respond for a long moment.

"Perhaps I should have shared my vision with Storm, but there just never is enough time. I never want to feel like a burden to him, so we focus on know. But in hindsight, I do wish I had shared with him..." Lanecea was, once again, struggling to find words to express what was in her heart. "I cannot continue to be a wife-sitter when so much is at stake. I have far too much on my plate and your plan was really ingenious as she was unable to escape and get herself into trouble in the meantime. It would have been so helpful if she had embraced her role as head of my sperm bank, but unfortunately...well, there is no point now... I need to come up with an alternative plan as soon as possible. I personally don't know anyone who can wield a syringe quite like she does, but perhaps I was looking at it wrong. We don't need someone to do the actual insemination - surely the recipients can make their own arrangments once the sperm has been delivered..."

Lanecea seemed to have learned her lesson in keeping her thoughts to herself.

"Mr. Himmler, will you please write an invitation in French and then Reaghan, I would like you to copy it, taking care to have as perfect penmanship as possible. Llia you will deliver the invitations when you go into the village with Mrs. Himmler. Eva, I need you to contact Mrs. Wagner when you return. I need a list of Italian and French women... I honestly don't know why I thought I needed Herja...this is far more brilliant. Please summon Tarvos - I will need his assistance, and Hans, would you be able to locate the Book of Names? Willow, please have the children brought to me - I will not be returning to the farm for the foreseeable future."

Eva frowned as she listened to Lanecea delegate but it was Willow who voiced her concerns.

"You will begin needing to nest soon, Lani. It won't be much longer and you are driving yourself past the point of exhaustion, even with our help. You will not be able to keep up at this rate for long, even with our assistance. Are you certain you are making the best decision?"

"I am exhausted," Lani admitted with a sigh, "but I will have plenty of opportunity to rest later - when my heart is feeling more numb than it is now. This project is of utmost importance and yes, I am aware that the babies will be arriving soon. I had hoped Storm and Thorson would return by then, but I am not holding my breath. You are correct, I do have the urge to begin nesting which is why we will be leaving the castle shortly - tonight, actually. I think you will love my surprise."

None of Lanecea's companions were as certain as the queen, more worried than not.

"Lanecea," Willow looked up from the book lying before the queen, "I'm not certain but I think you may have made an error."

"Really? I'm very careful..."

Willow pointed to Ollivier and Colline's entry. Lanecea's heart had distracted her, the woman making a huge error.

"They are such a beautiful couple. I had really hoped to have them in my program."

Hans shook his head. Lanecea wouldn't be getting her wish unless...

"I will ensure you have your heart's desire," Hans vowed.

"Oh thank you! I promise to be more careful," Lanecea assured her chief of police before focusing once on the leather-bound book, her companions carrying out her wishes while the commander stood behind her chair, remaining as always, in the shadows.


Word spread fast within the small village near the sea. The woman who had attended their little chapel was inviting specific families to the castle. Elderly women smiled at the young girl as she gave them little bouquets of freshly picked wildflowers, but it was really the invitations she was carrying that they had hoped to receive.

Mrs. Bertrand wasn't the only woman watching as Llia and Mrs. Himmler turned to the right, stopping at Jehann and Olive's home, Olive's fingers trembling as she held the invitation.

"Merci!" Olive called out, the poor woman trembling like a leaf with excitement as the ladies retreated, not noticing her toddler run after Llia as she stood caressing the delicate calligraphy with the tip of her finger.

Mrs. Himmler smiled at the little girl as they reached the edge of the path, the toddler unwittingly making the next step easier. Placing Jehanne's hand within Mrs. Bertrand's, Mrs. Himmler didn't need to speak a word of French to convey to the elderly woman that the young mother would need a babysitter for the evening.

"Come, Llia, we must hurry and bring Colline her gift. I have so much to do to prepare for tonight and will need your help."

Llia didn't reply, shifting her bouquets to the same hand she carried her overflowing basket bearing her gifts, then reached for Mrs. Himmler's hand. 

"I know exactly what Mamma desires and she will have her wish, but yes, you do need help."

And with that declaration, the little goddess silently summoned reinforcements.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now