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Eva led the children into the forest, balancing one set of triplets in her arms while Thorson carried two, Revna insisting on carrying at least one of her brother's babies. Their lessons were always that much more fun when conducted outdoors and Eva wasn't about to disappoint as she led the troop toward the Oak Grove. Dryads smiled as they bowed to the young royals before moving aside, allowing them to pass through to the sacred ground.

"Follow me," Eva called over her shoulder before carefully making her way down a winding flight of limestone stairs, their footsteps echoing as the portal closed above their heads.

"What is this place?" Revna whispered, transferring the infant so he lay with his tiny head against her shoulder instead, enabling her to better see the next step ahead.

"A temple. I thought you might like to experience it yourself, rather than just be told of its existence. Long ago, people dedicated their lives to the gods, living in the temple where they served the gods day in and day out: devotees. The custom died out with the rise of Christianity like many other things, but as you can see, some chambers branch off from the main throne room."

The temple didn't look long-forgotten at all with intricate tapestries hanging above the doorways in various colors and designs.

Eva smiled as her students paused to examine the Latin inscription beneath one of the crests.

"Each temple was dedicated to one god, for the most part..." Eva continued with the lesson as she approached an altar at the base of a flight of wide steps leading up to a throne.

"Who was this temple dedicated to?" Revna whispered, her voice filled with awe at the majestic architecture of the throne room.

"Your mother," Eva whispered, her voice filled with as much reverence as the younger girl's.

"Does Goddess Mamma know of its existence? She's never told us about this place in any of her stories."

"Of course she does," Eva smiled at Lanecea's stepchildren. "Now, your Goddess Mamma asked me to teach you a lesson on worship this morning, and I intend to do just that. Goddess Lanecea, your father, and the entire pantheon of gods and goddesses deserve the very best worship especially after their people have turned their backs on them for so long. It is an important role we play - a calling from our ancestors to worship in the temple once more. Your Goddess Mamma is very popular amongst our people, and fortunately, the other gods and goddesses love her so much they aren't jealous in the least. Besides, she is on a mission to restore the worship of her fellow gods among their people which is why...well, you'll see in time.

Gods and goddesses love for worship to come from the heart, but some prefer one type of worship above another. For example, you know your Goddess Mamma is not a fan of foot worship although she allows my husband to worship her in that manner. I doubt she would tolerate it from anyone else though. Pussy worship is off-limits except for the adults as well, as you can understand. Your mother is very strict on that policy although, as god, your father made an exception for Thorson," Eva explained just as Revna was about to point out that inconsistency. "Your father, however, is a god of war and fertility. He is worshipped for his prowess, but his goddess is territorial and only permits certain expressions of worship."

The students giggled knowing their mamma was dangerously close to ripping out eyeballs and summoning her army should anyone break her decrees, the goddess' territory carefully guarded.

"Thorson, you please the goddess greatly, so should not be envious that you do not possess as much divinity in your blood. I have seen how much pleasure she receives watching you make the common perform, honoring her with their essence, and Revna, you are very devoted as well, showing appreciation to the goddess for her nurture and bountifulness - two aspects of her divine nature. Therefore, I have something very special in mind for when we arrive in France that I think the goddess will love.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ