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Dieter held Lanecea's hand in his large callous one, her other hand safely tucked within Storm's as the farmer led his family back to his farm, making sure they were safely tucked inside their large white house with the green shutters before returning Lanecea to her house of horrors. Not that he would know, after all the young girl was very good at keeping secrets.

Lost in the moment and still vibrating from the festival, Lanecea completely forgot to beg Dieter to adopt her as they walked the short distance back to her home where her father was watching out the screen door. Seeing Dieter and his daughter walking up the gravel driveway, he stepped out of the door, unable to see the prince.

"I apologize for keeping her out so late. I'm Dieter and that is my farm just over the hill. Lani was playing with my boys and we lost track of time with Mrs. Himmler going into labor. She should be at the hospital now..."

Phillippe made a sound in his throat that sounded a lot like a gruff bear, but he didn't say anything for a long moment frowning at the much taller man before motioning to the door, "Get inside, Princess, and go straight to bed. It's late and we have church in the morning."

Lanecea came dangerously close to laughing seeing the look in Dieter's eyes as he smiled at his cum-soaked companion who had just been dancing the night away with gods and goddesses. Hurrying home so they wouldn't be late for church the following morning was rather ironic.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart," Dieter said instead before turning to walk back down the driveway after waiting to see that she made it safely into the house.

"Goodnight Mr. Wagner. Thank you for letting me stay and play with your boys."

Dieter smiled, waving before he disappeared from sight.

"Play with his boys? I seem to remember you doing something quite different for most of the night," Storm grinned, his voice teasing. "C'mon let's get you showered and into bed."

"Oh no...please may I sleep like this tonight? I love being covered in cum so much."

Storm cocked his eyebrow, searching the eyes of the strange girl at his side, but she was dead serious.

"There's always more where that came from," he assured her matter-of-factly as Storm led her by the hand up the creaking stairs, but didn't head to the washroom.

Kissing every inch of her exposed skin as he undressed her once again, Storm ran his fingers through her almost-dried hair before lifting her once more until she lay on his chest, not bothering to pull the thin blanket over her naked body. It was just within reach anyway, should anyone enter the bedroom. Storm would always take care of her, but he preferred to see the soft moonlight illuminating her soft skin as his fingers traced aimless patterns up and down her body.

"I will always love you forever and ever," Lanecea promised, suddenly aware that she was really very tired. "Thank you for sharing me with Prince Thorson tonight though - he really needed me. You didn't have to, but I think it was very kind of you to share. I don't think most men would share their wife." At that thought Lanecea leaned up, resting her chin against her hand as she searched Storm's eyes, sadness reflected in her own, "Did you share me just because I'm not your wife yet?"

"No, you and I are as good as married. We just have to wait until this stupid law is changed or I figure out a way to get you out of here. I shared you because there was something about him I really liked and I didn't want to see him suffer. Every good man deserves a Secret Keeper, or at the very least, a woman like Dieter and Hans' wives. It's unfortunate that most girls will never be like you or them. It makes boys suffer - men too."

"You have a kind heart," Lanecea stated the obvious before wriggling down a little to kiss Storm's heart, but her wriggling made his cock leak more, if that were possible, his throbbing member still leaking since it had begun during the celebration.

"Thank you, but I'm starving... Let's try something. Can you scoot over so you can lick my cock? It's making a big mess and I don't want to ruin your sheets. Then I can eat your nectar at the same time..."

Lanecea leaned up once again attempting to imagine the same thing Storm was envisioning but couldn't, her brain on strike.

"Please help me."

Storm immediately moved her into position, the two moaning in unison as they tasted each other's desire.

Lanecea sighed as her tongue bathed his hard length. "Please" seemed to be a magic word. It was incredible how quickly Storm answered her heart's requests. Tucking that tidbit of information into her heart, Lani focused on worshipping although it wasn't easy, the sensation of Storm's very hungry mouth devouring her pussy was very distracting, but worship she must, or her very soul would perish.


"Get up. It's time to get ready for church," her father knocked on the door before heading downstairs.

Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair, uncertain how she ended up back in Storm's arms, held against his heart. Lani was certain she was going to wake up with his penis in her mouth, but maybe that was a good thing. Her pastor said mouths were for worshipping God.

"Good morning, My Heartbeat. Thank you for holding me last night. Will you come to church with me this morning? Frey and Freya never come...and my neighbors don't go to my church. Their boys aren't allowed to come either."

"Not this time," Storm played with her hair while hugging her tighter with his free arm. "I need to visit my parents. I'm sure they must be worried as it's been a while and you'll be busy at church this morning."

Lucky. Lanecea wished he'd take her to visit her inlaws as well rather than leave her sitting for hours on a hard pew with her hypocritical parents. Maybe next time.

"I'm going to get into trouble if I don't have a bath before church. Mom insists it's the one day when we have to be squeaky clean. I really don't want to wash your offering off. Maybe if I just wash my hair, she'll never know? I feel so beautiful."

"You don't have to be covered in cum to look beautiful - not in my eyes - but here, I have an idea."

Storm swung his long legs off the bed, checking the hallway first to be sure the coast was clear before carrying his queen to the washroom. It wasn't long before he was washing Prince Thorson and his cum out of her hair before scrubbing the rest of her body until she was pink and squeaky clean, Lanecea crestfallen but obedient as she slowly swirled her fingers in the cum bathwater surrounding her.

"May I tell you how I'm feeling please?"

"Of course, you may. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling deprived - as though something very special was ripped away from me."

Storm laughed knowing exactly what she was referring to.

"I'm not finished yet, My Queen. I promise I will make you feel much, much better. You need to be patient and trust me."

Lanecea sighed as Storm asked her for something very difficult, but grew very patient indeed although she wriggled as Storm dipped his hand into the bathwater, washing her other parts that couldn't be seen above the bathwater. 

"Oooh," Lanecea gasped, her vocabulary once again flying out the window, Storm's hand and fingers washing her even more thoroughly than he had her hair. "I like it when you give me a bath. Thank you, My King."

"I'm sure you do," Storm grinned as he joined her in the bathtub, lifting her dripping body onto his dripping cock. "You're very welcome."

Lanecea didn't know what to say, uneligible sounds escaping her lips as she buried her face in the crook of his neck as he moved her back and forth on his long shaft before tapping the tip against her entrance over and over again while she clung to him for dear life, her butterfly threatening to make her fly away, leaving his arms if he wasn't holding onto her so tight.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now