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Wolfstein kissed Lanecea's cheek as she stepped onto the podium while one of his men led Herja to a front-row seat where she would have an unobstructed view, should anyone decide to strike during Lani's speech. 

"I'll see you this evening," Joseph promised after he'd introduced her to the gathering of women, then turned to Storm, "I'd suggest you stand with Wolfstein outside of Lani's peripheral vision. She will never lead men and I'm sure you may have noticed she struggles to lead boys as well - it's better if she doesn't see you."

Joseph disappeared within the crowds before Storm could respond, but Wolfstien seemed to have the same plan as he led Storm away from where Lanecea was just about to address the crowd. Lanecea appeared nervous and uncomfortable with public speaking as she ran her fingers through her hair, but the moment Joseph began to address the youth in the adjacent section of the colosseum, Lanecea's eyes lit up.

"It is a privilege to meet you ladies today. In fact, this is a moment I have looked forward to for a long time. Within your blood you carry the greatness of your Prussian ancestors, but it is not that greatness I wish to call forth today but the greatness  - the incredible honor of being a wife. Society may be against you - in fact, the world may be incapable of comprehending your worth, but let me assure you, my fellow priestesses, that you are treasures and are needed far more than you realize. The professors at the Frankfort School have been teaching that women can and should be independent of men. Feminist thought has taken root in your country, but I wish to appeal to you today to not only turn a deaf ear to such foolishness, but to show by example that they are gravely mistaken. 

Perhaps your husbands have chosen to keep from you the threats they are currently facing. They wish to protect your hearts and not trouble your minds but they need your support now more than ever. Yes, your hearts ache every time they step out the door and that is understandable, but we know they are leaving us to slay dragons - to protect and provide for you and their children. Remaining gracious and supportive when are hearts are breaking allows them to focus on the monsters they must slay before they return and this is no different. The enemy is at our doorsteps and it is imperative that you continue to trust in his leadership and strength, keeping your hearts steadfast. Your men are about to face our greatest enemies and it is imperative that they are able to trust their wives. We cannot ever give them reason to be distracted. Whether you see it now or not, your sweet spirits are vital to their success, but that is merely the beginning.

Ladies, we know what a blessing and honor it is for our husbands to trust us to nurture and raise their legacy, but I have been giving this matter a great deal of thought. A mother, I believe may actually have more influence on the children than their father. After all, she is constantly with them and everything she says and does has an effect on his children for good or for evil. Mothers inspire their sons while being a role model for his daughters...a mother, I believe, is the most influential propaganda minister even if she may not be aware of it in her lifetime. It is the mother who brings to life her husband's thoughts and decisions, ensuring she and her children carry out his wishes even when he is absent. It is a mother who inspires boys to reach heights of greatness and shows them how to treat women - their future wives. Girls learn how to speak respectfully through their mother's example and see how to worship their husbands. Your men, sweet priestesses, are the kings of their castle, but I would venture to take it a step further: they are building empires. Our men create. Our men conquer. Our men are unmovable and steadfast. Our men put the fear of god into any who would harm us and we nurture and raise their sons - the foundation stones to their empire. We raise their daughters who will worship their own husbands and raise their sons to be foundation stones for our husband's ever-expanding empire: his legacy."

Lanecea swallowed hard as Thorson slipped into the front row beside his mother, her throat constricting painfully. She was well aware she would never know what it would feel like to be married now, that dream once more dashed into smithereens, but Lani was very aware of who she was. Fighting back tears which threatened to spill down her cheeks, Lanecea took a deep, shuddering breath before continuing her speech.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now