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The sisters fled back to their bedroom as quietly as possible after their mother had cum her brains out for the bazillionth time. Their father finally stepped away from the vampire hybrid who likely wouldn't be waking for some time, then looked over his shoulder toward where his daughters were hiding. Of course the centaur god would know the little imps couldn't resist but it was Herja they were more worried about as she stood before turning to check on the children.

"Hurry!" Revna urged in a breathless whisper although it wasn't necessary.

Her mother was keeping her word ensuring that Lanecea had nothing to worry about as Herja took over the motherhood duties, at least for the night.

Three sisters lay perfectly still in their bed, the blanket pulled up to their chins when Herja stepped into the room and approached the bed. Herja watched the sleeping girls for a long few minutes just to be sure they weren't faking sleeping before turning away, pulling the door closed behind her just as Lanecea turned to her captive trophies below.

"That was close," Revna bit back a giggle as her heart raced.

The traitors weren't as lucky as Lanecea turned her hunter-green eyes on her expanding collection of slaves.


The floorboards creaked as Fintan tiptoed across the floor before crawling up the bottom of the bed.

"Are you sleeping?" Fintan whispered in the darkness but wasn't surprised in the least when Revna whispered, "I can't sleep either. C'mon - there's room beside me."

There wasn't room, but Revna skooched over before laying on her side.

"You smell like Mamma," Fintan moaned as he squirmed between his sisters' bodies, wishing his cock would calm down.

Waiting until the moon disappeared behind a cloud, Fintan slipped his thumb into his mouth, sucking quietly in the darkened room even tho his thumb was a poor substitute for what he really needed - his mamma's nipple.

Revna pulled Fintan's thumb out of his mouth, noticing her older brother blush at being caught red-handed before she whispered, "Mamma won't like it - it's not good for your teeth. You know...I don't think you're really a god of war."

Llia rolled over, the sound of whispering waking her up.

"We're supposed to be sleeping!"

"Then go back to sleep, Llia. I'm busy doing something very important - I'm helping Fintan figure out who he is."

Revna could see Llia rolling her eyes in the darkness.

"We already know who he is - Fintan's a Mamma's Boy. Everyone knows that..."

"Yes, but what kind of a god is he?"

"An annoying god that needs to sleep."

Fintan and Revna giggled but it was Fintan who spoke first as he propped his head up on his elbow.

"You really don't think I'm a god of war? I try very hard and am quite good when I think of protecting Mamma. If I'm not a god of war, then who am I?"

"That may be true, but you're nothing like Daddy or Taran, so I would rule that out if I were you. I'm not sure what kind of god you are - maybe we should ask in the morning. Daddy or Tarvos may know..."

"No. Dad has never said I am not a god of war and Tarvos is the one who declared my divine role at my naming ceremony but maybe he was thinking about Blossom when he made the announcement."

Revna laughed her head off before clamping her hand over her mouth, accidentally waking Reaghan as well. Llia filled their sister in, bringing her up to speed as Revna attempted to control her fit of moaning giggles. She wouldn't put it past Tarvos to have been distracted and everyone knew he thought with his cock more than his head.

Fintan grew shy as all three sisters studied him in the darkness as though he were an oddity on display.

"What if I'm not a god after all?" Fintan finally whispered, breaking the heavy silence.

"Don't be ridiculous," Llia announced as though that settled the matter.

Revna had more tact as she wrapped her arm around Fintan's chest.

"Of course you are a god but don't worry about it too much. I love you just the way you are and Mamma does too. C'mon. Mamma is probably sleeping by now and won't notice if we join her in their bed. Just be quiet..."

Revna was a natural leader, therefore her siblings, although fully divine, followed their sister down the hallway toward their parents' room.

"What are you still doing up?" Heinrich whispered as he looked up from where he was standing guard just outside the bedroom door.

"We need Mamma," all four chorused in unison, making the secret police officer smile.

"Not tonight. Your mother is busy and there are some things you are far too young to see. If it is very important, I will get a message to your mother for you."

"Mamma - not Mom," Revna pointed out to make sure there was no confusion but was frowning as she attempted to look past the guards' broad shoulders, yet only caught a brief glimpse of her mother's face buried in Lanecea's ass and two - or maybe it was three - muscular men chained to the bedposts. "Mmm, Mamma needs me."

"Not tonight," Heinrich herded the imps back toward their bedrooms. "Your mother is training her new slaves. Perhaps you will meet them in the morning."

"But I want to be Mamma's sex slave too," Revna pouted, but Fintan reached for her hand and then kissed her fingers.

"No you don't, Revna. You're our Mamma's precious princess and that is far better."

"I don't see how."

Llia rolled her eyes once again, but her voice was patient as she explained the facts to her half-sibling.

"Princesses are just young queens. They hold all the power and slaves have no choice but to obey. It's all about hierarchy."

"Oh really..." Revna licked her lips as she climbed back into bed, immediately cuddling up against Fintan's chest.

"Really," Fintan assured his sister as he held her close to his heart.

It was his secret, but Fintan really liked how much Revna smelled like their mother and, for tonight at least, he was content to keep her safe and warm, especially when there were traitors just outside the bedroom door.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now