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Johann was a wealth of knowledge as he scratched the ground with the end of a long stick, the earth illuminated by the glow of the fire the men had built.

"This territory belongs to us, Frey and Freya guarding over everything within the borders, but on this side, until you reach the lake is their territory. The gods and goddesses protect their own - well, at least those who still believe in them."

"But you go to a Christian school. How do you see them too?"

"Nothing is ever as it seems," Mrs. Himmler pointed out as though that would answer all of Lanecea's questions.

Mrs. Wagner gently stroked her baby's hair, deep in thought, but remained silent before attempting to clarify. 

"We've had to remain in hiding for a long time. No one suspects who we really are. Sending our children to a Christian school is just another piece of the puzzle, distracting others from looking too closely - from sticking their noses in our business. We've been very fortunate that no one has ever suspected a thing, and sending our kids to a Christian school is a small price to pay."

"Isn't that being a traitor though? Wouldn't the gods suspect you no longer believe in them?"

"Oh we know exactly who the traitors are," Freya's voice was unexpectedly frosty as she stood, motioning for the royal children to follow her, Frey leaving the men to join her side as well.

Hans and Dieter were not the only men gathered near the creek, other men and their families joining the neighbors, but Frey and his sister didn't lead the children toward them, heading instead, directly toward the delegation following the river as they made their way closer to the bonfire.

"Their people were traitors, but it is not the fault of the gods..." Freya whispered, squeezing Lanecea's hand tighter. 

"You forget that some of their men fought on our side," Frey pointed out, "but yes, my sister is correct. We cannot hold grudges. There can be no division among us, especially now. If we are to prevent the extinction of our people, it is best to forget..."

Frey didn't finish his sentence, standing back as the stately ladies curtsied to each other before Freya led Lanecea to stand in front of her, Frey motioning for the king and prince to stand on either side of the girl.

"Welcome," Frey smiled at their guests. "I'd like to introduce Lanecea to you - you've likely heard much about our future queen, and these are her consorts, King Storm and Prince Thorson."

"It's about time," the giant of a man's green eyes sparkled in the dim lighting. "Are you ready for tonight?"

None of the three had a clue what he was talking about, hesitating in their response.

"Your education is sorely lacking," the giant continued, sounding far too much like Hans at that moment although mischief was dancing on his firm lips. "That's alright, you will see soon enough. I personally believe in the importance of a hands-on education."

His companions laughed at their inside joke, Freya blushing before she turned away giving the children once more her full attention. 

"You must remain with our guests from this point until the end of the ceremony but don't worry, we will be just over here, on the other side of the line Johann drew. 

There is nothing to fear - no one will harm you tonight. Lanecea, you need to listen to Gretchen's advice and tap into your butterfly. Stay out of your mind if you wish to fully embrace this evening."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now