16 1 3

Alice was radiant as she gave Wilhelm the money she had earned at the fair, flushing with happiness as he praised her before giving her, "That's my Good Girl."

The snapping of flames licking the logs in the bonfire Storm had built drowned out the collective sigh from the priestesses cuddled on their husband's laps. Other than babies, a Good Girl was one of the best gifts a man could give, a "My Good Girl" making their hearts flutter in earnest. Alice had done very well, pleasing her husband.

"Mmm..thank good..." Lanecea moaned as Storm unfastened his jeans, setting Lani on his cock as he joined their childhood friends. "Did you keep the receipts, Alice?"

"Yes, and I made sure to do as you said, writing down their contact information with each sale."

"So good..." Lani moaned again, Alice unsure if she was referring to Storm's thrusting hips or her list of receipts from her many sales.

Lanecea stroked Thorson's hair in the darkness, his head disappearing beneath her bunched-up skirt as he licked her soaking wet pussy, being careful that Storm didn't break his nose. Lani had been gone for too long with Herja and the priestesses, and discreet as he was trying to be, Thorson couldn't wait a second longer. Lanecea's pussy missed him too, overflowing with nectar for her famished prince.

"Mmm yes..." Lanecea bit her lip too late, the receipts fluttering in her trembling fingers. 

Lani gave up the struggle to concentrate, not noticing the men had also impaled their priestesses, holding them close to their hearts. Thorson shifted over just enough to make room for Herja as she joined him, attempting to lick Storm's swollen, wet balls, but they were slapping back and forth much too fast. Reaching her hand between her legs, she tilted her head, lapping at his cock, a few inches visible for a second before it disappeared once again, thrust deep within its tight sheath.

The sight of the lovers made Johann growl, thrusting harder within his wife who was also watching and very flushed as her husband's seed filled her desperate womb, the only priestess in their group of friends who was yet to conceive. She wouldn't need to ask Johann for more money, the gods taking mercy as the breeding frenzy got underway, the flames licking the sky unable to drown out the moaning of women worshipping their devoted men.

Lanecea's king winked at her before his kiss shattered the last of her functioning brain cells, her body and brain shattering like glass as Storm held Lani, keeping her from falling.


Storm held Alice's receipts in his hand, separating the ones Lani had drawn a small star on the top right-hand corner from the others.

"I should be back before tonight," Storm informed his family, "I've promised to help Deiter with these...deliveries."

Lanecea met Storm's eyes from where she stood near the sink, her back pressed against Thorson's chest as unspoken words passed between her and Storm. 

"Thank you for helping," Lanecea murmured as her eyes turned a deep hunter green, unable to keep the excitement from her voice as Thorson licked her pulse, pulling her closer to his body.

Thorson holding her with his arm beneath her breasts accidentally drew attention to Lani's ripening stomach, the sunlight streaming through the window making her dress transparent, unable to conceal Lanecea's baby belly. 

 "I need you," Storm confessed before claiming her mouth, easily lifting her into his arms at the same moment as his cock replaced Thorson's, the younger man pulling out, rubbing on her ass instead as he matched Storm's rhythm.

Lanecea could only moan in response, clinging to Storm as they sandwiched her between their hard, unrelenting bodies, Thorson holding her dress above her hips with one hand while groping her breast with his free hand, accidentally soaking Storm's shirt but he didn't seem to be too concerned with the mess they were making in the kitchen.

"Come for us, Our Good Girl."

Lanecea was only aware of their roar as she soared, touching the stars.

They knew exactly how to start the day.


Lanecea could barely speak yet was desperate for her men to be fully satiated before they left, not a drop of cum left in their balls until they returned, filling her once again.

At least that was the goal.

Thorson laughed as he undressed her with his free hand while Storm repositioned their woman, impaling her once again as she faced Thorson.

"We are just getting started," Thorson assured Lani as he thrust his cock between her breasts.

"Good morning, Johann," Herja removed her hand from within her pants before she answered the door, "they are going to be a while. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a coffee while you wait?"

"I'm fine...but thank you," Johann assured Herja before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

Johann blushed as the sound of his zipper drew attention to what he was doing beneath the table, but Herja didn't embarrass him as he began to stroke his cock in earnest, watching the randy couples' wild breeding. Herja didn't bother to bite back her moans of pleasure, coming hard as she watched as well. 

Storm and Thorson became even wilder, if that were possible, noticing their horny, captive audience, the two putting on a memorable show as they displayed their prowess.

"You have my permission to come on her boobs," Storm informed Johann as he lay Lanecea on the kitchen table, her body covering the receipts with a star. Reaching his fingers between their linked bodies, he swirled his fingers in their juices before sliding his fingers between Herja's lips. "Suck."

The three bred like animals, Thorson filling Lanecea's mouth as Storm plundered her pussy. 

Storm, at long last, nodded at Thorson. After all, he would be the man of the house today in Storm's absence.

"Cum!" Thorson commanded. 

Johann's cock flexed before spewing more cum on Lanecea's boobs than he was aware his balls could produce, Thorson's cum covering Lanecea's vibrating pussy as Storm came deep within her until cum poured from her body onto the kitchen table. Herja had already soaked her panties long before Thorson gave the command to cum.

"Oh god...mmm...I'm going to be late for work," Herja sighed before lowering her head, licking the overflow from Storm's cock as he continued to thrust. 

Lanecea's eyes were hazy as she watched Herja retreat, already tugging her pants off before she left the room, her soaked underwear clinging to her skin. They had awakened a kink in Herja, which was almost fortunate, making things even smoother between Storm's women. She didn't have time to think further on that realization as Storm repositioned her on her knees, sliding Lani back and forth on the cum-slick table as she continued to take their cocks keeping her trapped between them, not that Lani would ever complain, her predicament, perfect.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now