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Lancecea's daughters were fast asleep by the time the cardinals left, disappearing within the shadows of the night. Lani kissed each of their foreheads, tugging the blanket up to their shoulders before watching out the window as her spies disappeared into the night.

"Are you coming, Mamma?" Fintan yawned as he and his brothers waited for her in the doorway.

"Yes, Darling. Hop into bed and I'll be with you shortly. We need to have a little chat before you fall asleep..." Lanecea lost her train of thought for a moment as she watched Storm just below, supervising the transport of the fragile glass jars within the wooden crates.

The Cardinals hadn't been stingy in their donations.

Within less than ten minutes, Lanecea was held on Thorson's lap as she reached over, tucking her younger sons beneath the thin blanket.

"What you witnessed tonight, boys, is unnatural. A man - a good man - will always behave like a king and will only give his devotion to his priestess who worships him. Those men, the Cardinals, have made a vow never to love a woman, although, some do have mistresses, but it is something they hope to keep a secret."

"Like you and Dad?" Taran propped his head up as he leaned on his elbow. "You are his mistress."

"Something like that," Lanecea agreed, her voice soft as she leaned back against Thorson's chest, "but your father and my situation is a little more complicated. He is a king, of course, and I am his priestess, but, unfortunately, he didn't wait, therefore I can only be his mistress now. Those men, however, have taken a vow before their God that they will never marry. They have vowed to be celibate which means, they will not be intimate - have sex..."

"They weren't being very celibate tonight," Thorson raised his mouth from Lani's neck for a moment.

"No, they weren't. They really rarely are, but like to appear pious."

Lanecea smiled at Storm as he joined them, taking a seat beside her on the boy's large bed.

"Your mother is correct. Those men like to prey on young boys especially, but they have been known to enjoy the nuns as well. Their behavior isn't exactly a secret as they have been caught red-handed from time to time, but they are the most powerful men in the world, second only to the pope. Kings fear them."

"You're not afraid of them, Daddy," Fintan pointed out, shifting over so he could rest his head on his father's lap. "Why are other kings afraid of those men? Is it because you are stronger than other kings?"

"The other kings believe in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope has the power to uproot and dethrone kings. The Cardinals are in high places, much like the vampires in the White House, surrounding our president. They have the pope's ear and all the kings know that they must tread carefully. Soon there will be one king who will defy the pope. Do you remember his name?"

Fintan raised his hand so fast he almost smacked Storm in his nose.


"King Henry VIII! He defied the pope and created the Church of England. I don't know how he found time to do all of that though, when he was so busy plotting the death of his wives."

Storm laughed. "Well, he wasn't plotting all their deaths at once, so I'm sure he had plenty of time to take a stand against the pope. Do you remember why he decided to defy the pope when no other king would have dared to?"

"Because he was in love with his mistress," Thorson answered, although he didn't raise his hand as his hands were much too busy massaging Lanecea's boobs.

"That's right," Storm winked at Lani, a flush immediately kissing her cheeks. "He defied the pope simply because he wanted to marry his mistress and it was that great love for her that ended up changing the course of history."

Lanecea struggled to remember what she had wanted to tell their sons before they fell asleep, the look Storm was giving her causing her brain cells to malfunction.

" as I wanted to say...umm....hmm....mmm..."

"Are you struggling, Priestess? Perhaps I can assist," Storm offered before giving her a kiss that set those same brain cells spinning but a few minutes after he'd ravished her mouth, Lanecea was able to think more clearly than she had since he'd joined them in the bedroom.

"Thank you, My King. You cured me," Lanecea smiled as her eyes darkened, betraying her unspoken hunger for her king a moment before Lani turned her attention back to their boys. "Those men are very wicked and yet remain very powerful. I allowed you to continue pleasuring your cocks as you always do while you were breastfeeding tonight because I would never allow them to harm you. If they tried to touch you, they'd be missing their eyeballs at this very moment. Your brother and father also were there and would protect you both in a heartbeat as well so those men tonight wouldn't stand a chance should they have even attempted to touch either of you.

Many of those Cardinals are predators and they enjoy doing things with little boys that a man should only do with his wife. The altar boys are often among their prey and I hope, while we are here, that we may be able to help them.

You must never allow anyone to touch your private parts unless you give your permission and you should only give that gift to your priestess when the time comes. Many people are predators, do you understand? Do I ever touch your penis?"

"No, you don't," Taran finally spoke up, contemplating what his mother was trying to teach her boys.

"That's correct - and I wouldn't. Your cocks are yours to protect - to keep as a gift for your priestess and, trust me, she will treasure that gift so much more. As you know, your dad and Thorson enjoy giving me their cocks as a gift and I love it so very much when that gift - their cocks - are only for me just as my worship is always only just for them.

Those boys - the altar boys and other victims of the wicked cardinals - don't have a mamma and dad to protect them, and I doubt they have wolves that will tear those men apart as there are far too many of those predators still alive."

"I understand what you are trying to teach us, Mamma," Fintan reached for his mother's hand while still lying with his head on Storm's lap. "Are you going to kill the cardinals and save those boys?"

"It's very tempting," Lani winked at her son as her eyes darkened to a hunter green, "but first I am going to use them like I use Herja just before I destroy them."

"I wouldn't want to be a cardinal," Thorson admitted. "You're so gentle but utterly ruthless."

The boys laughed, agreeing with Thorson as their mother kissed them goodnight, the brothers ready to dream of their mamma on a mission to save little boys from predators as she saved the world. Storm, however,  had other ideas. Capturing vampires and saving the world could wait until morning.

"Goodnight boys," Storm called out as he carried Lanecea toward the bedroom door, Thorson at his side, both eager to give her their throbbing gifts that were only for their priestess.

"'night, Dad," the brothers replied in unison.

The boys stroked their cocks in the darkness, matching the rhythm of the headboard smashing into the wall, their cum spraying across the blanket for hours before they finally fell asleep, exhausted but satiated. The headboard, however, was still pounding as their father and brother fucked their mother's brains out long after the morning sunlight kissed Lani's cum-drenched body.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now