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That night changed everything and yet at the same time, nothing changed at all with the exception that Lanecea and her four eldest children were no longer invisible. Herja still went to work as usual and Lanecea spent her time with the children, teaching them how to be priestesses-in-training and giving them lots of cuddles in between their lessons and their daily gathering of the queen's court. Lani was never a threat, gracious as always to Herja, but preferred to be among her ladies of the court, the faeries, nymphs, and goddesses having far more in common.

Storm decided that the younger gods and goddesses were still much safer with their nannies in the Oak Grove, the ancient magick keeping the area an impenetrable refuge located very close to their mother and yet, invisible should a vampire manage to trespass onto Storm's property. 

Lanecea was a good girl, always waiting for Storm's arrival when he returned from work unless he returned early in which case she would be in the grove or perhaps still in the kitchen with their daughters, focused on teaching the next generation how to be pleasing, worshipping wives.

Tarvos, however, couldn't sit back and watch as they all lived happily ever after.

"Storm," Tarvos tapped a scroll on the palm of his hand, "Have you made the arrangements yet? Do you know her schedule? I need to inform our allies..." The bull lowered his voice as he looked over his shoulder.   "Your army is ready for your command, and the queen's knights are gathering as we speak, heading toward the veil.  If we are to have a chance at saving our people, we must move quickly."

"We could leave tonight..."Storm hedged, mentally recalling his many obligations, "I can spare the next three days and I honestly don't think Lanecea will be comfortable leaving the babies for that long, so we will likely return much sooner. Have the gods already been invited to the summit?"

"Of course. The sages have warned the gods that there is not much time to act if they are to save their people, and, as King and Queen of the Nine Realms, your presence is expected. Besides, the boys are eager to give their mother their vampire trophies."  

Storm looked toward the forest where all his sons were with their tutors, Thorson taking additional classes with his brothers to make up for the slack in the public school education which was far from based and also pitifully lacking in teaching accurate history. 

Taran and Fintan hadn't shed a drop of blood even when desperation to save their mother and sibling's lives urged them on, they still were not able to snuff out a life. Storm wasn't all that worried, after all, he had never actually slain a vampire either, the boys and their father excelling in the art of crushing bones. They had every right to be proud of their spoils of war, all one-hundred-and-fifty-eight, but Tarvos had no way of knowing Lanecea's gift was not waiting for her in Atlantis but in Rome. There wouldn't be time for a detour this weekend.


"We came as soon as Tarvos told us the news," Johann grinned, swinging Lanecea up into his arms before he realized it was likely improper, immediately setting the dizzy woman back onto the ground, a hint of his impish smile dancing on his lips. "I apologize Lani. I wasn't thinking - it's been so long!"

"It's quite alright - I am so happy to see you again, Johann, and you too, Wilhelm, of course!"

"You found her..." Wilhelm had remained silent up until that moment, gazing at Lani as though she were a dream. "I never had any doubt. That was the worst day of our lives when Johann told us what happened. I thought you would have returned her to us much sooner, but I see you've been too busy."

Storm laughed as Wilhelm indicated the children flanking them as well as the children filling the Oak Grove. "Something like that," Storm paused just long enough to introduce the children before pressing on with the reason they had been summoned. "Since we last spoke, we have set up a kingdom in Atlantis and have been keeping the vampires we capture beneath The Great Cliffs. No one would think of searching for them there, so it seemed like the ideal location at the time with the sea surrounding us on every side,  but the sages are now prophesying a pending disaster and I needed to focus on meeting with the gods.  The dryads believe there is a chance to get ahead of fate and save our people. We have nothing to lose. I believe we may have just as big a problem on our hands with the vampires. If I am not mistaken, they are two steps ahead of us and have possibly laid a trap. I just haven't had the time to investigate yet, but it is something I would appreciate help looking into. Johann, I'd like for you to head that research with the help of Tarvon, and my son, Thorson, will also assist you."

Wilhelm crossed his arms over his now broad chest, grateful that Storm hadn't assigned him and the Celtic bull deity to the same team, the two at odds since the last time Wilhelm had found Tarvos in the barn relieving his massive balls on poor Blossom. 

"My sons and I brought our captives to Rome after the last raid but I feel it would be wise to transfer the captives as well. The boys had a great idea, deciding to fight their vampires against each other as entertainment for the gods. What better place to make their plan a full-scale event than the Roman Colosseum? It could potentially rival anything the Romans ever experienced. Wilhelm, you'll be assisting me with this endeavor."

Wilhelm nodded, sighing in relief.

"What about us?" Taran asked after the adults had been paired up. 

"You're with us," Dieter stepped forward from where he had been standing at the back of the grove, not wanting to interrupt. "You are going to learn how to run a kingdom."

"Oh, I've missed you Mr. Wagnar - and you as well, Mr. Himmler!" 

 The towering Germans smiled down at their Lani, who was no longer a lonely, frightened little girl as she stood beside her king, surrounded by their little gods and goddesses, the royal couple doing very well at tilting the scale in their favor. 

"Let's change history," Dieter smiled, tenderly stroking Lani's cheek with his calloused thumb before motioning for Storm to lead the way.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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