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Storm anticipated that there would be plenty of prey attempting to allude capture, after all, the sound of Lanecea moaning, "traitor" with every thrust was still fresh in his ears, but to say that there were a lot more traitors than he was expecting was an understatement.

The dryads blocked their escape, the tunnels lined by twisting, unpenetrable roots as the traitors ran for their lives, their fear palpable. Storm and his allies had split up, only his sons remaining at his side. Raising a finger to his lips, Storm motioned for his boys to stay still, listening for the hammering of their victims' hearts.

Thorson was still wearing clothes - his punishment - but Taran had freed his cock long ago, the length shimmering with precum in the silvery moonlight. Hunting beside his father was nothing short of exhilarating and was making him horny as hell as they tracked down the traitor, Captain Kazimiers, only Fintan looking over his shoulder to the path they had just taken. Without so much as a whisper, the boy who wanted to be back in his mother's arms watched as the dryads' roots closed over the exit, trapping the traitors within the endless labyrinth before separating their roots to the right of where they were crouching. 

Storm glanced down at his son who should have been enjoying the game of hide and seek before reaching for Fintan's hand. 

"Your Mamma will be so proud of you if you surprise her with more captives. Let's see if you can find more high-ranking traitors. I'll bet you can spot them first as you are so observant. Your brothers and I will take them down, but you need to help us, alright? You know what will please your Mamma."

Fintan's eyes sparkled as his father whispered the challenge. Captian Kazimiers wouldn't be the only man to wish they were never born before the night was over. Fintan didn't waste time informing his father and brothers what to look for as the Mamma's Boy led the way, the warriors flanking him, their weapons drawn.

Thorson grinned as he moved closer to his brother. Out of him and Taran, Thorson understood Fintan best, Thorson vowing to Lani many times, that, given the choice, he would never leave her side. Lani could always count on him. Thorson swallowed hard, Lani's shattered trust fresh in his mind. How could he forget while stalking a traitor with soaked pants, the fabric clinging to his throbbing cock? Every step was a reminder of Lanecea's broken heart, but he was going to make it up to her by morning, bringing back as many trophies as he could drag. The brothers were on a mission to delight their mother as they caught sight of a traitor attempting to hide among the dryad's roots, but they ignored him, continuing forward. He was just a regular traitor and they would have their fun with him later. Let him sweat a little. Trophies, nothing less, were within their crosshairs.

The dryads were cheating, perhaps, as they blocked the traitors' exits while shifting aside for the allies, allowing them to pass while giving them a not-to-subtle hint. If they were to be asked, the dryads didn't believe they were cheating, but assisting. Storm was needed back at headquarters as soon as possible, his queen up to trouble. The sooner they captured their targets, the better, before Lanecea could burn the house down.

Wolfstien enjoyed a good hunt, but had far too much on his mind to participate with his men. Surrounded by armed dryads, he was perfectly safe from mercenaries as he addressed them.

"Block the exits to the east and herd the traitors further west, toward the northwest territories."

"As you wish, Sir," the dryads immediately obeyed, their roots shifting along the paths in the underworld maze.

"Send a message to my men to be in position for Lani's arrival. Nothing is to be left to chance. If anything happens to my Secret Keeper, heads will roll."

The dryads could get a message out faster as their network spread across continents. 

"She will be safe, Sir. Everyone in our alliance would be more than willing to die for her, if necessary."

Wolfstein smiled before turning away from the underworld. He didn't trust easily either. Betrayal was far easier than loyalty. Lanecea was perfect, in his mind, but she did enjoy dancing with fire and Wolfstien was well aware that he had every reason to worry. Wolfstein hesitated as he reached the portal, tempted to return to headquarters to see Lanecea one last time, remaining unobserved surrounded by Lani's dryad army as he listened to the church bells toll, announcing death after death. 

Lanecea had been keeping busy in his absence. Pride shone in Wolfstein's eyes before he turned away, retreating to his wolf's den. He had an army to lead and trusted that Lanecea was aware of how deeply she was loved, even in his absence.

Church bells ringing echoed in the underground tunnels until he reached the edge of Warsaw, the man keeping to the underworld passages that snaked beneath the grieving city.


Storm's fingers gripped the back of the captain's neck so tight that he was dangerously close to crushing the man's vertebrae but exercised enough self-restraint to ensure Lanecea's trophy would be conscious when Storm threw him down at Lani's feet. 

"There were far more traitors than I expected," Johann grinned as he flexed his fingers around the chains hanging from his captives' necks.

"I thought the same," Storm agreed, "although I quite enjoyed the challenge, but we got what we were looking for. I have an uneasy feeling I can't shake and want to return to Lani as soon as possible."

Wilhelm laughed, "I don't blame you. Lani's up to something - I'd put money on it."

Hans, however, wasn't amused. 

"I'm heading home. My wife and I will be joining you in Brussels. She needs to be with Lani and Wolfstein didn't respond when I asked how long he expected this mission to take. She will need us and, although we have the grandchildren now, Eva must worship. She's been going stir-crazy in their separation."

Johann rubbed the back of his neck but couldn't hide his arousal at how horny his mother was for his best friend. 

Storm looked away from Johann's throbbing bulge before agreeing to the plan.

"We will meet before tomorrow evening. If you don't mind your wife's addiction to Lanecea, I think it is good for her as well. Herja is determined to go back to work, and I don't blame her, but between your wife and Revna, I think it will help Lani, distracting her from yet another loss. I had hoped that Herja would be a devoted sex slave for my queen, but, yet again, I was mistaken."

"Your gift was incredibly sexy. Eva came like an animal when I told her and was rather jealous of your wife," Hans laughed, but his voice was husky with barely suppressed passion. "I'm sure we can come to an arrangement while on this mission..."

"Oh god," Thorson moaned as his cock tore his pants.

The image of Queen Lanecea surrounded by her sex-slave ladies was so wild that Thorson couldn't be blamed for losing his mind and control of his cock.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now