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Thorson and Revna had never seen Lanecea except for at night, the woman visiting them on schedule when the magic was at its height. He swallowed hard, Thorson's body stirring as he looked over at the woman at his side, the light from the torches in the great hall illuminating her transparent, gauzy gown as she led her companions down the marble corridor.

"We will head out on our adventure shortly," Lanecea informed her companions, not seeming to notice that Thorson's cock was throbbing in earnest as she stepped into the light, as good as naked. "I just need to inform the king I've returned."

"A real king?!" Revna tore her eyes away from the guards standing at attention to the woman walking between her and her brother, looking every inch a queen, now that she saw her in the light.

"Of course," Lanecea murmured, her voice wistful with longing as though she hadn't seen the king in a very long time and loved him deeply. "Are you ready?"

Before they could answer, Lanecea turned to the left, entering a magnificent throne room but it paled in comparison to the sight of the king waiting as patiently as possible for his queen's return as he sat on his white-gold throne.

Revna almost giggled, remembering Lanecea's story of a princess who didn't want a gold throne - it looking far too much like mustard contrasting with her blushing ketchup-hued cheeks. Lanecea's stories didn't do the kingdom justice and the little girl hadn't seen the half of it.

"My King," Lanecea's voice was breathless as she curtseyed deeply before him, remaining on her knees before him as the king stood, wearing only a thin gold chain around his hips, his marble-hard cock jutting out like a scepter towards his queen.

Revna curtseyed at Lanecea's side, remaining in position although she didn't kneel as Thorson bowed, before taking a knee at Lanecea's side. The king was the spitting image of their father but looked more splendid in his divinity and unmatched power.

King Storm held out his hands for the children, raising them to stand before him before tilting their chins in unison.

"It is fortunate..." He didn't finish his sentence, his queen struggling not to laugh at his unspoken words. "Welcome. I've been looking forward to this day."

The king didn't bother to raise his queen from her knees just yet, stroking her hair instead, his tender touch seeming to make her very happy.

"Your majesty, I hope you don't mind my saying so, but you look an awful lot like Dad. Are you twins?" Thorson looked down at the king's perpetually dripping cock before searching his eyes.

"It's a long story, Thorson," King Storm raised Lanecea, ignoring the young man's surprise that he knew his name. "You are both welcome in our kingdom."

"Thank you," the youths chimed in unison, certain they wouldn't want to leave any time soon.

"We need to leave soon for the festival, but I would like you to meet our children. They are with the faeries..."

"Real faeries?" Revna was star-struck.

"Of course. Magick, My Love, is very real. The nymphs have been helping the faeries since the quadruplets were born. They are such a handful, but so adorable!" Lanecea led the way from the throne room to where her many babies and toddlers were cared for by their faerie nannies. "Oh...My King, Storm will be joining us before dawn and wishes to speak with you. I thought you'd like to know."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now