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Thorson finished his homework in record-breaking time.

"C'mon, Revna!"

Revna, of course, was already waiting, struggling to be patient. Their dad had been called away once again and hadn't had time to write a note getting his kids out of school for the foreseeable future. This was big news she couldn't wait to share with her sisters. As queen of the Nine Realms, surely Lanecea's power encompassed their school as well. Lani would know what to do to rescue them from their dreary classes. After all, she despised their school and, although not her biological child, Revna knew she was very precious to her priestess mamma - her "heart daughter" as the queen called her, and besides, Lanecea needed Thorson to reign at her side. Lanecea would get them out of their classes - she just knew it.

The siblings didn't reach the pasture before their mother spotted them, stopping them dead in their tracks. Apparently, she was home from work early, or maybe they hadn't paid attention to her schedule, Atlantis taking up most of their thoughts.

"You're not going anywhere. I'm tired of seeing you always sneaking off... Thorson, you're grounded and as for you, Revna...just get back in the house."

Herja was their mother and they couldn't contradict her or explain why they were always trying to sneak away. Atlantis and magic were carefully guarded secrets.

Thorson looked back at the centaur pressing against the fence. He didn't need to say a word, the centaur nodding before backing away from the barrier. Double-checking to make sure Herja was too busy lecturing her kids, the centaur leaped over the fence, thundering toward the portal without looking back.

"Your Majesty," the centaur bowed before the queen who had been waiting as patiently as possible at the veil to welcome Thorson and Revna back. "Herja has grounded the prince. I am not sure for how long as she didn't say, but neither will be able to get away now. Storm left a few days ago and I don't know when he will return either..."

"Oh no..." Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair wishing Storm could have just written that blasted note before he'd departed, but then again, that wouldn't have stopped Herja from blocking their retreat to the kingdom. "Please stay with me for a bit, if you can. I need to let the citizens know that court will not be held until the prince returns - or the king - whichever comes sooner. Oh, I don't know why we never considered this possibility. King Storm trusted Thorson...I cannot hold court on my own, so they will just have to understand. Will you be able to relay messages between the prince and I? I will feel better knowing he is still able to lead, even from a distance, if need be. Please let the guards know that the court is temporarily suspended and then return to the prince and let him know that I understand his predicament and will not leave the castle so he does not need to worry about my safety. I don't want him to feel that he has failed us - or the king. It isn't his fault at all."

"Of course, Your Majesty," the centaur bowed low once again before leaving to do her bidding.

The centaur was only gone for a few minutes before he returned, two men in long robes accompanying him.

"I apologize, Your Highness. I know you do not wish to hold court in the absence of the king and prince, but they said it is an emergency. They cannot wait for the men to return."

"That's quite alright. Thank you," Lanecea thanked the centaur before turning her attention to the men standing before her, their hands trembling as they held scrolls.

"You must see this, Your Majesty," the men held out the scrolls they were clutching, their heads still bowed.

"What is it? What makes you so anxious? Have you heard from the battlefield? The king and our sons - has something happened?"

"No...this is far worse. Here is Atlantis," one of the sages circled an area on the map with his finger, "and here is the sea. If our observation is correct, the collision will take place directly over Atlantis but the aftershock will reach as far as Greece, at the very least. We are running out of time..."

Lanecea looked up from the map to the ashen faces of the men bearing the bad news.

"Atlantis must be saved," Lanecea caressed her baby belly with her fingertips, her voice incredibly soft. "Summon the physicians. Tell them I wish to meet with them in the throne room within the hour. Have you seen Freya?" 

A guard shook his head no.

"I believe she accompanied her brother as far as the mountains."

The visitors bowed before retreating to gather the physicians leaving Lanecea alone with the centaur. 

"Follow me, please," Lanecea led the creature into her gardens, the centaur sidestepping babies and children as he followed the queen.

Striker, her wolf, moved quickly, lifting one of the baby princesses by her dress before placing her closer to the bench, the infant already reaching for a Morning Glory's petals. 

"Good boy, Striker. Thank you," Lanecea praised her wolf who was supposed to guard her and act as a messenger but was proving to be a watchful babysitter as well. "We should be able to find Storm. If you can reach him, he will be able to override his wife's decision, surely. Maybe he will come to our aid. The king is too far out and his mission is far too important. I don't want to disturb him."

Lani waved her hand over the water, but the water was black as ink, the swans standing to the side, not gliding on the pond like usual.

"I don't know why it isn't working..." Lanecea frowned. "Perhaps my emotions are too troubled..."

Lanecea tried again, this time trying to channel Thorson, but the water remained black and unpenetrable.

"Something is wrong..."

"You don't look well, Your Majesty," the centaur reached out, gently touching the queen's forehead, his fingers burning at the touch. "You're feverish."

"I'll be alright. I have a kingdom to save."

The centaur was worried, but he kept his concerns to himself.

"Let me at least accompany you at least to the throne room."

"No, but thank you for the offer. Please return to Thorson. Tell him I understand his dilemma but I need his help. Ask him to please research the destruction of Atlantis if he can access the internet. He needs to know we are running out of time to save our people."

The centaur bowed a moment before his retreating hoofs echoed on the bridge. There wasn't time to waste.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now