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"Alright ye Little Scamps, this is the last go-about," Tarvos called out to the children on his back, the faeries walking at his side ensuring that they didn't tumble off.

The royal children were far too regal to beg, but the great beast laughed, changing his mind at the last minute as he lumbered through the gardens, much to their delight.

Lanecea watched from her position near the pond seated on the grass surrounded by her many babies who were too little to enjoy the ride.

"Oh, My Little Lovies," the queen used her free hand to tickle their little bellies, attempting to balance three in one arm while others crawled on her skirt, Lanecea as happy as a lark to be surrounded by her babies before looking up. "Come, Revna, there's always room for you."

The triplets cooed as their mother had mercy on their ticklish tummies, holding out her hand instead to their half-sister before drawing the older girl onto her lap. 

"You didn't want one last ride?"

"My butt was getting a little sore," Revna grinned, wrapping her arms around Lenecea as she whispered the secret, holding on tight so she wouldn't tumble off Lani's lap and onto her siblings who were using her to balance as they stood on wobbly legs. Revna looked down at her two sisters who seemed determined this was the night they would take their first steps and Revna would help them achieve that feat, "and I would like to cuddle with you."

"I'd like nothing more," the queen smiled, brushing Revna's forehead with a tender kiss, before looking down at two of her sons attached to her breasts, "will you please just hold their backs so they don't fall off? They seem quite attached but you never know..." Lanecea waited a moment for Revna to support their tiny bodies before she released her hold on her sons, wrapping her arm around Revna instead so the child would feel as included, just as much a part of Lanecea's enormous heart. "There, that's better. You look worried. You can always tell me what's on your heart."

"I don't know if I can be a priestess and I am worried the king will send me home - even before my brother - and that would be embarrassing."

"Yes it would be," Lanecea agreed, but her choice of words didn't exactly help ease the young girl's worries. Thankfully she continued, "You already have a priestess within you, you just have to learn to let her out before you are grown and she becomes...extinct? I'm not sure what the correct word would be, but some women never tap into their priestess so I guess the priestess ends up dying. I wouldn't know. It isn't difficult, My Love. Being a priestess is as natural as breathing."

Revna looked up at the starry-eyed woman who seemed, once again, lost in thought as a flush crept up her neck.

"I still don't know how. It isn't natural for me."

"I beg to differ. Do you know when you feel that burning ache within your body? That fire within your soul and you really, really, really wish you were married? That is the moment, especially, when you show your loyalty to your future king. It is the best time to pray to him. Even if you can't pray out loud, he will still feel your soul. You can also keep a journal with letters to him -  that's always a good idea - in fact, I know married women who still write letters to their husbands when he is at work or away. It makes their hearts feel better and you know, men never have enough time to listen to us, so I think they must enjoy us writing letters too instead of always talking their ears off. Yes, journal-keeping is very helpful - or so I've heard. Worship really, I think, is just the feminine version of the masculine devotion. It is just as intense and wonderful - something very special that you only give to your king and he only gives his devotion to his greatest treasure. 

See, being a priestess isn't difficult at all - it is as natural as breathing and you'll do just fine. Besides, no one is perfect, I should know. The king is very patient and I'm sure will be willing to help you too if you lose your way from time to time. He won't cast you out of the kingdom without being just and helping you to be a good girl first. 

Excellence is the standard, but seeing how hard you try to achieve it is just as important. It holds up well not only with King Storm but with the gods when they convene in the great court. They will be here tomorrow before the men leave. You'll like them too, I'm sure. Anyway, back to your concern, there is nothing to worry about and I'm always here to help you...perhaps not here...but I am never far away and I would like it very much if you would be by my side until you need to return to your parents on Sunday. I enjoy your company and I have so much to show you in the morning. You'll just love it here!"

Lanecea ended her impromptu lesson as Tarvos joined her, lowering his massive body until it rested against the queen's leg, her children remaining on his back even after he'd found enough space to rest his head on Lani's lap.

"Thank you, Tarvos," Lanecea gently scratched his fur before turning her attention back to the children, "What story would you like to hear before bed?"


Revna wasn't the only one who was receiving her first lesson, although Thorson's was vastly different in nature as he walked at the king's side toward the great cliff overlooking the sea, his brother on his opposite side. Taran looked as though he were about to explode in his attempt to keep the secret if they didn't reach their destination soon, reminding Thorson of the boy's mother. Taran was vibrating with excitement, grinning at Thorson although the king glanced over, warning his son to keep the secret.

"You'll love it," Taran grinned, able to share at least that much.

"I can tell." 

Whatever it was must be pretty great.

Thorson noticed as men bowed when they approached, women dropping into a deep curtsey. 

"Your Majesties," they smiled at the royal trio, Thorson following the king and prince's lead as they stopped to acknowledge and say something kind every time anyone bowed to them. 

The king placed his hand on Thorson's shoulder, introducing him as Thorson, son of Storm. Everyone seemed to know who Storm was, smiling at the young man.

"You must tell your father we are awaiting his arrival and haven't forgotten his exploits. The great tales are even now, passed down to our children. We will never forget..."

"Thank you - I'll be sure to tell him. Forget what?"

"The Great Battle, of course. He is The Great Vampire Slayer."

King Storm nodded before adding, "That is a bit of an exaggeration. Your father never actually killed a vampire, but he excelled at crushing bones. He was once legendary."

"I didn't know..."

King Storm grinned, no bad blood between his soul and body. "There is more to your father than what meets the eye."

The villagers smiled but kept that particular secret to themselves before following the trio towards their destination. From a distance, it had been impossible to see a narrow flight of winding stairs carved into the cliff, the deep caverns far more noticeable.

"You're going to love it!" Taran repeated himself as he led the way down the flight of stairs, taking them two at a time as darkness swallowed up him and his companions, only flickering torches attached to the sides of the rock illuminating the staircase.

King Storm, only ever wearing a thin gold chain around his hips, nodded at the two guards stationed outside the massive iron gate, the men with sharp horns unlocking the two huge padlocks before stepping aside once more as they resumed their position.

"Well? Do you like your surprise?" Taran searched Thorson's eyes, as impatient as his mother as he beamed at his brother while pointing to fifty vampires chained to the walls, an engraved sign above their heads, Prince Thorson's Prey. "They are your trophies from your first hunt," Taran clarified with a wink.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now