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I've been awake since 3 am with this chapter running through my head complete with dialogue so I just had to get up and start writing before it disappears by morning. I hope you will love it too.

By the way, Storm's wife's name is Herja, not Hadja as I had accidentally been calling her. I will make the changes in the final edit.

Thank you so much, as always for reading and for your support. It means so much to me :)

Happy reading!

Thorson and Revna leaned forward, mesmerized as Lanecea regaled them with yet another tale as she sat beside them on Thorson's bed, Revna at his side, clutching her knees.

"The vampires were no match for your father but there were not enough trees in the forest to bind his prey to. The tree nymphs didn't mind at all as the thick chain dug into their hips, the vampires unable to free themselves. You see, all creation has groaned, waiting in breathless anticipation for the vampires to meet their end, but until now, they held the upper hand. 

The gods rallied around your father, their weapons drawn as they put to flight the vampires who were foolish enough to stick around, watching what had become of their comrades. The earth trembled beneath their power and yet were unable to swallow all the silvery blood from the vampire's gaping wounds...

Oh, what was I thinking? You'll never be able to sleep a wink tonight with a story like that. Hmm, perhaps I should tell you, instead, the story of a great queen..."

It was quite the mood-kill going from an epic battle scene to the story of queens and princesses, Thorson frowning in protest as he adjusted in his bed, resting his head on Lanecea's lap instead of his pillow.

"Can't you please continue the story? The other one sounds boring..."

Storm, who had joined them earlier than usual, grinned at his son as he entwined his fingers with Lanecea's.

"This is the story of the world's greatest queen. It isn't boring at all, trust me."

Lanecea's cheeks flushed as she looked up at Storm before continuing to stroke Thorson's hair as he drew aimless patterns on her thigh.

"Thank you, but perhaps they will enjoy the story of my friend, Willow, instead. She is quite the character. I first met her on the day when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. As I've told you many times, that is the day when the gods walk among mortals, so it is exceptionally magical. Well, the queen was still a girl and had been waiting for ages for her king to return when at long last, he and his loyal knights and dukes returned from battle. The princess was so happy that she couldn't stop herself from twirling until she reached the edge of a very steep embankment. She had no idea, of course, at that point that the valley was magical, the meeting place of nymphs, dryads, satyrs, elves, fairies, and of course, the gods. 

Willow was almost as excited as the princess, for it was whispered that the king was the leader they had been long awaiting, the Slayer of Vampires. He, alone, would set the world right.

Perhaps one day you'll get to meet Willow and she will be delighted to tell you the story from her perspective - of how a young girl lay naked in a creek unaware of the leeches attaching themselves to her legs as she awaited the return of her king. It was definitely creepy, but it was also symbolic as the vampires are just like the leeches. They have drained the blood of the unsuspecting and are our greatest threat, but when all hope seemed to be lost, the king returned to his princess, easily removing the leeches one at a time before tossing the threat aside. I've seen with my own eyes how many times he has done just that - tossing vampires aside by their necks as they beg for mercy. It is a magnificent sight!"

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now