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Lanecea had been paying attention in church all those many years ago as she stood flanked by her secret police, each wearing their signature silver skulls.

"Show no mercy. Men, women, and yes, even children, are not to be spared. If you do not have the stomach for what I am requiring of you, now is the time to step aside," Lanecea searched the eyes of each member of her Angels of Death and was pleasantly surprised when no one was having second thoughts. "You are to move quickly as the priestesses provide a distraction. Look out for each other, of course. There are to be no distractions - only singleness of focus. You have a job to do and I am trusting you not to fail me."

Hans waited until Lanecea had instructed her groups of women leaving nothing to chance. Everyone had their assignment, and, with a little luck, it would be over before the vampires could summon reinforcements. If all went according to plan, the vampires in Warsaw would be lost to history, disappearing permanently. Hans, as the leader of the secret police, instructed his men next - four of his men would remain at their impromptu headquarters guarding Lani while the remainder would join Storm, Deiter and their sons in removing the carcasses before the locals caught wind of their presence. 

Each of the priestesses was aware of their husband's presence as the soldiers guarded the perimeter, the woman working as one as they headed women and children toward the exits they had memorized while another group of priestesses provided a distraction, bringing bread and other much-needed supplies to families that were suffering from the Red Army's siege. They, of course, didn't have Prussian ancestors in their veins, but the distraction was necessary and perhaps alliances would be made with each act of charity.

Herja led the Angels of Death as they shadowed the priestesses, vampires falling to the ground with their next breath. The prick was swift and inconspicuous. No one had time to notice the undead lying where they'd dropped before the men swept in, cleaning up the evidence as the women moved on toward their next unfortunate target.

Back at headquarters, Lanecea wrote as quickly as possible as the men brought her files and records, before disappearing like shadows while another took his place.

"It's from Lani," one of Lanecea's men whispered against Herja's hair as two vampires fell to the ground simultaneously.

Herja nodded as she glanced down at the list after he had pressed the piece of paper into her hand. 

"There is no end in sight...are you okay?"

Herja glanced over at her team, vampires dropping like flies at their feet as they wove within the market square. None of the ladies drew any attention to themselves, and that was entirely the point. No one would suspect women to be so merciless until it was much too late. Lanecea would be very proud when she saw how well Herja was doing and Lani was very generous in her rewards. Herja licked her bottom lip before nodding.

"We should have enough for another hour..."

"You need to be finished much before then," the German frowned. 

It was far too risky, but then again...

A smile touched his lips as he watched the men drag vampires by their necks and ankles to the gates of the underworld, tossing the unconscious limp bodies down the stairs before returning for more.

"Lani will be very pleased," Hans grinned as he dragged away the two vampires at Herja's feet. "Don't stop - let's blow her mind."

Herja was only too happy to accept Hans' challenge as she began with the first name on the new list.

Lanecea, however, didn't have vampires on her mind when Heinrich returned.

"What is to be done with these?" Lanecea pointed to the file laid open before her. "There are to be no more brother wars and Wolfstein agrees. Not a single drop of our blood is to be spilled, however..."

The choice was Lanecea's, her men remaining silent as they waited for Lanecea to seal the fate of the men before her, but she was terrible at making decisions, especially costly ones.

"Would you like me to send a message to Wolfstein?"

"No...we don't have time," Lanecea paced restlessly for a moment as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Can they be convinced?"

"Not likely," Jans frowned as he trialled his finger over the paper that was causing Lanecea so much distress. "We could take them back with us - put the fear of god into them, but if we release them..."

"No, that's a terrible idea," Lanecea agreed as she clutched the table once more with white knuckles. "They are fools. Make it painless, please..."

"You're too soft."

That was laughable. Lanecea was merciless.

"They aren't vampires. Fools deserve a little more mercy."

"We could attempt to convince them of the error of their ways," one of the taller men tugged on his leather glove, his eyes already distant.

"No - no torture. I won't have it. Anyone who is an ally of the vampires is my sworn enemy, but he is only twenty-nine years old. Please, for my sake, make it quick and painless."

Two men departed the small room a moment later, one carrying a list of vampires and the other, a list of men who were traitors, allies of the vampires. No one on either list would remain standing by sundown.

The men in uniform advanced toward the line of vampires, expanding the perimeter for the priestesses and the Angels of Death, then continued to hold the line before advancing yet further into enemy territory.

"From Lanecea."

The officer glanced down at the folded note:

Captian Kazimiers, Piotr, Teodor - traitors.

Please make it quick and painless. They are young and foolish.

~ Lani ~

The officer nodded before aiming, all three men on the list falling to the ground in quick succession. 

Vampires screeched in outrage as their allies fell before they trampled over them, rushing toward the impenetrable line of allies. Men in black who were nothing more than shadows until it was too late, wove silently through the vampire army, counting on the vampires' blind fury as they retrieved the bodies of the traitors. The men deserved far better than to be trampled into oblivion.

"It is done."

Lanecea barely nodded, nor did she look up from the ledger she was studying.

"Where have you taken them?"

"You are far too soft, Lady Wolfstien, and it isn't safe for us to take you there."

Lanecea finally looked up, meeting his blue eyes.

"I am not soft, Sir, but I would much prefer to have allies - men and women who are devoted to me and enjoy my mercy. Thank you for taking care of the traitors and following my wishes. I believe that I made the correct decision. Men will think twice before pledging their allegiance to my enemies."

Heinrich nodded before smiling.

"No one will be foolish enough to double-cross you."

Lanecea laughed, the sound as cold as vampire blood, before turning her attention back to her list of targets.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now