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My grandmother passed away two days ago and I am taking it very hard. I'm going through other things in my life that are really overwhelming me this past week and with my grandmother's death added to it, I'm seriously struggling. I apologize for not writing more this week but I just can't get myself into a better headspace and I am trying to. I'm at the end of myself...

Yesterday while doing my housework I listened to some Medieval music on YouTube hoping it would help me get back into the headspace to continue with this book and I tried writing again but nothing came out so I continued to work on my ongoing genealogy project instead that helps me relax and focus on something meaningful without having to use any brain cells really - no creativity needed as I feel like my creative fountain has finally reached the bottom of the barrel and is bone dry.

This morning I woke up at 1 am thinking of Lanecea and a very sexy scene (I am thinking of keeping it for a future book though as it is set in the United States, not in Medieval times) and I could hear her telling Storm how glorious it would be if he could come up with an invention that would be "next level sexy." (I'll let you use your imagination as to what it could be lol). 

My heart is still aching and I'm very overwhelmed but I just had to get out of bed to write. Thank you for your patience with me in advance and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Herja was the last person on Lanecea's mind as she lay in the large four-poster bed,  her long legs entangled with Storm's and Thorson's. If everything went according to plan, Herja would be kept too busy to think, therefore eliminating Lani's role of "wife-sitter" indefinitely. The queen, of course, had far better things to do with her time and the mission must go on.

Storm appeared just as restless, raking his fingers through his hair as he looked over to where his son was fast asleep, his cock sheathed within Lani as he sucked her breast in his sleep. Lucky guy. The warm sunlight streaming through the window only served as a reminder that neither he nor Lanecea had slept a wink all night and, at this rate, Storm wouldn't be getting any sleep not used to being replaced. 

"You can't sleep either?" Lanecea whispered, asking the obvious as she trailed her fingers along the length of his still-leaking shaft. 

"I need to be inside you," Storm admitted why he wasn't able to sleep, his cock traditionally embedded within his mistress night after night.

"Mmm, yes you do," Lani moaned, her fingers tightening around Storm's throbbing scepter as she attempted to make up for the fact Thorson had fallen asleep inside her for the first time. "You're such a good dad letting him sleep. I thought you would have pulled him out by now..."

"It's crossed my mind."

Storm's mouth captured her laughter before their daughters interrupted the moment, not at all shy at the sight of their naked father and brother.

"Shh, Lovies, Thorson is still sleeping," Lani warned before they tumbled into their parents' bed for their morning feeding. "Minerva will get you breakfast this morning - you'll have my breasts later. I'll join you shortly but I expect you to be on your best behavior for the goddess. She will be teaching you your lessons while we are on this field trip."

"Alright, Mamma," the girls sighed in unison which made their mother smile before they kissed her cheek then their father's.

"Good girls. I was proud of you for obeying last night and staying in your room even when we had company. You will do your lessons with Minerva this morning while you wait for your mother to join you, and I want you to stay indoors until this afternoon. I shouldn't be away for too long and then I hope to take you into town after I return - but only if you've behaved."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now