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There is only one thing that vampires love more than destroying civilizations: money. Lanecea was counting on that fact as she pleaded her case while attempting to avoid looking at Jorken's soulless eyes. 

"I'll pick up a few things in Ottawa that they don't have here and then will sell it for you at a profit..."

Jorken didn't say anything for a long moment although, had Lani looked up, she was certain he would be rubbing his hands together just imagining dollar signs. 


"Be back before seven."

"Thank you!" Lanecea called over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs to announce the good news to Deklan. 

It was now officially official.

Unfortunately, Lanecea's brain cells took flight once they reached Ottawa. She had only to cross the bridge with Deklan and they would be in Gatineau, Quebec - so much closer to their ultimate destination, but who would be able to think straight with all that testosterone in the air and the ancestors within her blood drowning out her thoughts as she represented them in the fight for basic Canadian freedoms. It was a mind-blowing experience and for the first time since she was a little girl surrounded by Germans when she lived near the apple orchard, Lanecea felt safe. The men surrounding the women and children at the rally wouldn't let any harm come to them and that was an experience Lanecea would never forget, the woman determined to memorialize the experience in her novel as soon as possible.

Clamping her legs tight as Lani struggled against her need to cum hard on the spot, Lanecea managed to make it through the speeches, distracting herself by taking pictures of the event and trying to decide which of the people in the throng were her distant cousins and which were more recent immigrants. Paul had disappeared, assisting with the People's Party of Canada booth - their leader, Maxime Bernier, a keynote speaker. Lanecea's heart flopped like a fish out of water as her hero took the stage. If anyone was to make Canada great again, it was the man reaching for the microphone. His speech was amazing - of course - but Lanecea nearly swooned when an older man spoke. He was from Newfoundland, originally, and spoke with such passion for Canada that Lani had to bite her bottom lip until she tasted blood to hold back her soft moans. A lady at her side seemed to empathize with Lanecea's plight as she smiled at the flushed woman who was struggling in earnest as she attempted to hold back her long, wind-blown hair. 

"Do you know who he is?" She whispered close to Lanecea's ear.

Lanecea shook her head, "No."

"Mr. Hilliar is the leader of the Resistance and he has thrown his support behind Mr. Bernier. I believe he is the main reason why Mr. Bernier will win the election and save our country. That man is relentless in the fight."

"I thought all these years I was alone - I'm the only one left - like Elijah in the Bible."

The shorter woman laughed as she shook her head. "There is still a remnant, but we are hard to find, I suppose, now that most of us have left Fed Book. Here. Go on this website and you will find us. It was really nice to meet you."

"Thank you! It was nice to meet you as well. I just have to ask out of curiousity - but are you a decendant from one of the key Acadian families?"

"Yes! How did you guess? My ancestor was Daniel LeBlanc - he arrived in 1613."

"He's my ancestor as well. It is so nice to meet you, Cousin. And to answer your question - I recognized your fire - it is as intense as mine. We must be related because our ancestors are going insane - can you feel them?" Lanecea held out the inside of her arm as though her new friend was able to see their ancestors' spirits calling out within her veins as they responded to the speech.

"We are making them proud," her cousin smiled before adding, "I'm sorry, I have to scoot. It looks like my husband wants to slip out before the traffic gets worse. It was so nice to meet you - I hope to see you on that site. Bye!"

"See you..."

Lanecea finally remembered her great plan as well. It was time for them to disappear as well. Lani reached for Deklan's hand, clutching it within hers so they wouldn't be separated as they wove through the throng past the women with their children until they reached row after row of men. 

"Excuse us, please," Lanecea repeated like a broken record as she attempted to pass the ranks of males on guard but they were like an impenitrable wall which was wonderful if you weren't trying to escape.

"Please excuse us, Sir," Lanecea looked up, wondering why the men weren't budging even a little. It was almost as though they knew she was making a foolish decision and wouldn't survive a night alone in Ottawa.

"One of the women who left early was attacked. Some of the men are dealing with the situation. It isn't safe to leave. She was an elderly woman at that. Those animals don't care but of course MSM isn't going to cover the attack, I would put money on it."

A chill ran down her spine as Lanecea thanked the wall of men for not letting her past them. They could wait a little bit longer to escape, Lanecea supposed as she and Deklan stood once more in front of the men until the rally was over. Lani was thankful she had waited when the French Canadians took the stage wearing matching black leather jackets. They spoke in French which of course she didn't understand, but their passion was tangeable, Lanecea feeling it straight to her bone marrow. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she listened to their impassioned speeches, trembling in earnest when a soldier threw down his army beret onto the stage before shouting, "Freedom!"

It was emotional overload, and that was a complete understatement, for the Old Stock Canadian who had forgotten she needed to escape. If Canada could be saved, great men like these would come into power and the vampires, including Jorken, would run for their lives. It would be a domino effect, she assumed, the thought nothing short of glorious.

Lanecea didn't always think straight, her heart taking over rational thought. Reaching for the hand of the man closest to her, Lanecea's voice was breathless as she asked him to please tell her what they were saying.

"I don't speak French either," he didn't pull his hand away though. "They've always been Nationalists, protecting their French heritage and culture. Do you remember when they attempted to separate from Canada and create their own country within a country? They are fiercely loyal to their heritage - you can feel it without understanding a word they are saying."

Another man leaned forward, as though he were about to reveal a secret but didn't want to be overheard.

"They've been conducting some sort of initiations since they arrived. Did you notice?"

Again, Lanecea shook her head, "No." It would have been impossible to see from where she had been standing with the other women, but added, "That's so cool!" With a sigh that reached straight to her toes. They would feature in her latest novel as well, assisting the Kirkpatrick Cousins. "Oh gosh..." Lanecea crossed her legs supertight as another wave of "I need to cum my brains out" washed over her.

"They are Nationalists for sure," a snowy-haired man settled the matter, thankfully oblivious to the fact that Lanecea was dangerously close to cumming on the spot.

In hindsight, Lanecea, to this very day, is certain she made her ancestors roll their eyes.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now