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"I don't like her," Lanecea's voice was soft as she expressed her sentiment to Herja while she absent-mindedly stirred the creamy concoction with her finger. 

"What don't you like about her?" Herja focused on the naked woman in her bedroom as she tugged on her uniform before crossing the room. 

Removing the jar from Lani's hand, Herja dipped her fingers in the cream before proceeding to massage the silky cool cream into Lanecea's skin, covering the areas she had been unable to reach. 

"Thank you for your help, Herja - that feels so good."

"You're welcome...tell me why you don't like her. Believe it or not, I'm listening."

Lanecea couldn't help but laugh as she looked back over her shoulder at Herja who seemed distracted more than she was listening. 

"I feel that she is a predator, and in her position, it isn't right..."

Herja circled Lanecea before pressing her against the wall, lowering her head to lick Lani's rapidly beating pulse on the side of her neck before scraping her neck gently with her teeth on that exact spot as though she were a vampire ready to devour her prey. 

"I hate to inform you, but you are surrounded by predators," Herja whispered, her hand sliding once again between her legs - a common occurrence, Lani noticed.

"I'm serious," Lanecea was getting frustrated as she tried to back away, but was pinned between Herja and the wall, both unbudging.

"So am I," Herja raised her head, brushing a stray curl from Lani's eyes. "You're adorable when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous - I'm frustrated."

"And delicious," Herja added, Lani's frustration amusing her.

"Oh thank you!" Lanecea was radiant, temporarily forgetting why she was so frustrated, "Of course you would find me delicious, but I wasn't quite sure if I had gotten the ratio correct. The body cream is almost like whipped cream in its consistency, which is better than runny, I guess, but I thought it would be more like shea butter or something... I like how the leave-in-hair conditioner turned out."

Herja didn't comment on Lanecea's endless prattle as Lani turned, stirring her concoction once again with her finger while Herja embraced her from behind, sampling her neck once again. 

"It seems perfect to me," Herja assured Storm's mistress who was focused on her latest brainiac idea - creating body products with Storm's cum so she wouldn't miss him so much when he wasn't home. "You really need to get dressed. I'm going to be late for work at this rate. Do you still want me to drop you off at the school this morning? I might have just enough time if you hurry."

Herja left Lanecea to get dressed, rounding up Lani's children while gathering her lunch. She knew the perfect gift for Lanecea, certain she would just love it.


The girls were vibrating with excitement at the idea of surprising Revna on her recess, the two already running across the playground in search of their sister, pausing only long enough to wave goodbye to Herja.

"Thank you, Herja, we'll see you tonight."

"Have fun...Lani?"


"Don't gouge out her eyes or..."

Lanecea laughed, a flush kissing her cheeks, "I can't make any promises."

Thorson wasn't outside - at least Lanecea wasn't able to spot him as she clutched the package of cookies she'd brought to surprise Thorson and Revna, her daughters already playing with Revna and her school friends.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang