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Thorson dragged his feet as he entered his home, although the god and goddess still remained at his side.

"I wanted to stay," Thorson admitted the obvious. "Isn't it possible I could stay longer? It isn't even midnight yet..."

Freya looked as though she wanted to be anywhere else at that moment, her features pained as she glanced over at the closed bedroom door, the bed squeaking in earnest on the other side of the door. Frey, however, spoke for the siblings, leaning against the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest, empathy reflected in his endless blue eyes.

"Lanecea needed to meet you tonight and with the wall between the worlds thinnest, it was the perfect opportunity to bring you from the future. She's going to need you, you know..." Frey looked pointedly at the closed bedroom door, hoping the young man would make the connection, realizing what they were trying to say although neither of the gods would voice it aloud.

Thorson raked his fingers through his hair in frustration, wishing the gods would just spit it out already before his eyes suddenly opened wider, his heart constricting with the empathy Frey and Freya felt deeply.

"Storm is..." Thorson looked toward the door as well where his parents were breeding yet again. "I didn't realize... I swear I'll marry her! And I'll keep the secret - I'm very good at keeping secrets!"

Freya let out the breath she seemed to be holding for a very long time, her soft fingers gently caressing Thorson's chin as she tilted his head up.

"Do you really love her? Lanecea desperately needs devotion and..." Again she swallowed hard, unable to speak the words that were ripping her own heart. How much more painful would it be for Queen Lanecea when she found out the truth? "She will die if you betray her heart as well."

Frey shook his head, not keen on the idea. There was the saying, "like father, like son." 

For being divine, it didn't feel good to feel so helpless unable to change what was already done. If they hadn't been so distracted by the damn vampires, they would have stopped it, but it was too late now, the siblings left to pick up the pieces of Lani's shattered heart. 

"You have to admit, our Lani was quite smitten with him tonight..." Freya pointed out, still caressing Thorson's chin.

"Yes, but they also met during the fertility festival. Under other circumstances..."

"No, it was more than that. She loves him."

"Yes, she does!" Thorson interjected himself back into their conversation. "I will never ever hurt her and will take care of the queen as best as I can. If you take me back, I swear I will never leave her side or take my eyes off her or..."

Freya almost giggled although Thorson was very earnest in his vow. It was no wonder that Lanecea loved him, the younger boy more dedicated to being human velcro than Storm who often left, the call of adventure and battle too strong to resist.

Once again the siblings exchanged a look that spoke volumes before Frey placed his hand on the young man's shoulder.

"You'll need to prove your worth. We cannot let Lanecea's heart be broken again. One mistake is more than enough, you understand, although...well, you are very similar although very different and that might be a great advantage. How are you at hunting?"

"Great. My dad has taught me well."

"I'm sure he has," Frey gently propelled the youth away from his parent's door to his own bedroom before watching as Freya tucked Thorson into bed and then sat at the edge of his bed.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now