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Storm set Lanecea down on the ground beside her pastor before disappearing behind the gate where the other farmers waited with their livestock, Thorson at his side.

"It shouldn't be too much longer," her pastor rested his hand on the girl's shoulder. "They've closed the gates for the day, so it is just a matter of tying up loose ends. I think, if all goes well, we will be able to make it to the horse show in half an hour. That should be interesting and you kids will enjoy it, I'm sure."

Lanecea nodded, her focus on the crowds, ever on the lookout for the dreaded vampires.

Dieter wasn't alone. Apparently, there were a number of vampire hunters among the farmers, the men part of a far-reaching network, and their assembling at the fair served a dual purpose.

"I have a shipment waiting in my trailer. They've been silenced, so you should be able to get to the East Coast without drawing attention," Heinrich leaned against the railing, absently stroking his horse's muzzle as he directed his statement at the butcher.

"It will be too suspicious if I take them all at once," Lorenzo stated the obvious as he looked between the farmers who all had vampires waiting for safe transport. The hunting season appeared to be going in their favor - a good sign. "I've been networking since this morning and I think there is another butcher here that we could trust."

"I don't like the idea," Dieter spoke up, his clenched fists stuffed into his overall pockets. "There's far too much at risk."

"Lorenzo has a valid point," Storm assured the German, "we need to expand our network and if they are drugged first, they should be well on their way before the other butcher and his assistants are aware of their living cargo. I don't see another option."

Lorenzo nodded. "And he's Japanese."

"Well, why didn't you say so?" Dieter smiled, his relief tangible. "Vet him first, of course. We can't be too careful. My boy and I will help load the vampires. Franz, according to the program, you're up first in the horse show. If you like, Wilhelm and I can assist with your cargo while you're busy. I know you'd return the favor."

"I'd appreciate that. I was hoping to perform last after the last of the vampires is taken down..."

"I could help you, if you would like," Thorson volunteered. "I'm good with horses and I'm out of tranquilizer."

"Thank you, Young Man. Her name is Spirit," the tall man opened the gate for the boy, "Give me a minute and I'll see if one of us has more tranquilizer they can spare. I don't think this is over - not by a long shot - but from what I heard, you did very well today, taking them down. You're a natural and will be a feared vampire hunter, I'm sure."

"I'd like nothing more," Thorson grinned as he reached Spirit's side, his father already heading out the back door to help with the vampire transfer into the waiting butcher's windowless vehicles.


Storm held Lanecea on his lap as they watched the performances, but found it very difficult to concentrate with the vibrating girl in his arms, Thorson not faring much better with her long legs draped across his own.

"Mmm, so good!" Lanecea's voice was breathless as she squeezed her arms around Storm tighter as her excitement mounted until the last performer led his horses through the gates, the finale a majestic chariot race. "I think I've just died and gone to heaven."

"You look like you're still very alive to me," Thorson grinned as people began milling once again, leaving the stands. 

Lanecea didn't hear him, her heart still pounding in her ears.

"When I grow up, I'm going to marry a farmer."

"I thought you were going to marry a king?" Storm spoke over the pounding of Lanecea's heart.

"Oh yes, of course. He will be a farmer-king and love me so much that he will allow me to have cows and horses and geese and chickens and..."

"Anything your heart desires," Thorson grinned.

The two males were already more than willing to give her the world, she only had to ask.

"Oh yes," Lanecea sighed, her wistfulness reaching her eyes as she looked up at father and son. "I will have so many animals to love that I will be very, very busy."

"Don't forget all your babies," Thorson pointed out as they stood as well, following the pastor from their metal seats.

"Oh yesss...." Lanecea sighed once again, her vocabulary keen on taking flight. "Here, you must feel my heart. It's going to pop right out of my chest if it doesn't burst first."

Laneacea reached over before placing Thorson's hand on her rapidly beating heart. 

"Can you feel it? It's electric!"

Thorson nodded, speechless as he rested his hand on Lani's out-of-control heart, a blush kissing his cheeks before Lanecea looked up at Storm, "Would you like to feel my heart too? It's incredible."

"I'm sure it is," Storm whispered, but he didn't place his hand on Lanecea's chest. "I can feel it from here."


That really did say it all.


Storm couldn't stay no matter how much he would have liked to, Frey and Freya waiting patiently for him to turn his back on the girl he loved. Thorson was struggling to say goodbye as well, not sure when he would be back - if ever, but it was much harder on Storm, he was certain, knowing exactly what his priestess was going home to, and he couldn't help her.

As if she could read his mind, Lanecea rubbed her arms briskly again, glancing back over her shoulder. 

"I really need to go home. I'm going to be in a lot of trouble if I'm late for supper."

"Goodbye, Priestess," Storm placed his hand on Thorson's shoulder, leading his son away as they followed the gods in the direction of the veil. 

After all, Storm had another family that awaited him and couldn't remain in the past, playing hero to a lonely little girl.

"Please wait!" Lanecea ran after them, jumping into Storm's arms hoping he would catch her before she hit the ground. 

Her trust wasn't misplaced as he wrapped his arms around her, his muscles clenching as he held her impossibly close to his heart.

"I didn't want you to leave before I thanked you for caring for me," Lanecea whispered, kissing his cheek. "My heart loves you. I really have to go for real. I really need to protect my poor butt."

Lanecea blew Thorson a kiss as well before gently tapping Storm's arm as she pointed to the ground with her free hand. Hopefully, he'd feel her gratitude, but she really needed to run. The aching in her heart would be far less than her painful ass if she didn't race home.

"Please come back, I'll be waiting right here," Lanecea called back over her shoulder before running up the length of her gravel driveway.

"I'm going to rescue her, Dad, and then I'm going to breed her. I need it badly."

Storm remained silent, his heart clenching and cock dripping. He couldn't bring himself to tell Thorson the truth - Lanecea wouldn't be waiting when they returned. She wasn't waiting when he had returned for her all those years ago.

And that had changed their destiny.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now