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"Mommy Slave isn't going to last a night at this rate. The Littles are already going through Mamma withdrawals. Mamma, you need to be milked."

"I'll milk Mamma," Revna volunteered, reaching for an empty bottle before anyone else had a chance to respond, but neither Mrs. McLean nor Eva protested, focusing on her boobs as Revna positioned Lani onto her stomach before raising her hips. "Don't worry, Mamma. It isn't going to hurt. I'm just going to use my fingers and mouth, but you should focus on training your slaves."

Lanecea nodded, but she still gripped the bedding with white knuckles while focusing her attention on the three men bound together in the queen's chambers. The men had departed soon after arriving in Brussels, leaving the slaves immobile in an upper room within the sprawling castle.

It wasn't a surprise that Herja would be struggling as evening approached, the children needing their mother more than ever. Lani would give it until morning - perhaps sooner - before Herja came crawling back to where they had set up camp within the castle. Besides, she was missing out on all the fun.

"I'm going to cum. Please...get," Lanecea struggled in earnest to be a good girl as her pussy clenched hard around Revna's insistent fingers.

"Daddy's busy," Revna soothed. "He likes to see you feed your children and won't mind at all. Besides, you're not cumming, you're being milked, remember? There's a world of difference."

Lanecea bit down on the cushion, but not before noticing that Revna sounded like her.

"Relax, Mamma. Daddy won't be disappointed in you - I promise. Now, if you can talk, you need to train your slaves. I'm sure they would like to be trusted so they can be untied, isn't that right?"

The men couldn't speak from where they were seated with an unobstructed view of Revna fingering her mother's pussy, pausing only long enough to use her talented tongue.

"Bloodlines..." Lanecea moaned as Mrs. McLean, Eva, and Revna sucked her in unison, her poor pussy not standing a chance as it milked Revna's tongue. "Bloodlines are...mmm...mmmost important."

Llia rolled her eyes before standing in front of her mother's head.

"Give me a special Mamma kiss," Llia demanded before capturing her mother's moan, tangling her fingers in Lani's hair that flowed down to her hips as their tongues waltzed. "Mmm, yes, that's right my beautiful, sexy mamma. You are crazy sexy when you soak my sister. We are making you feel so good, I know, but don't fight it. Your Littles are going through withdrawals and that's just cruel. Mmm yes, let Revna milk every last drop. That's such a good mamma."

Lani was well aware that the crawlers and toddlers would be going crazy within 48 hours without access to her pussy, and therefore, Llia's plan to add nectar to the milk was ingenious, but that didn't stop Lani from feeling guilty as her body spasmed over and over again, Lani certain that counted as cumming.

Thorson took over the kiss, Lani's brain cells out of orbit before whispering, "Cum for your prince - cum hard."

"I can't...only for your dad," Lanecea was holding onto him for dear life, however, as she struggled in earnest.

Regret clouded Thorson's eyes yet again as he stepped away before grinning.

"I know the trick," he called over his shoulder before returning a few minutes later, dragging Ignacy by his neck. "You were trying to teach your slaves about bloodlines. Here you go, Mamma. Show us by example."

Lanecea smiled, relaxing as she looked down into the hybrid's terrified eyes.

"Please, will you bring me his testicles?"

"Of course."

Ignacy lost all color when Thorson placed his testicles in the palm of his mother's hand.

"Gentlemen," Lanecea focused on her slaves as she held her hand out, attempting to ignore the fingers plundering her pussy as she topped off each bottle of milk. "What do you see when you look at the hybrid's testicles?"

"You're barbaric," Roman's voice was filled with admiration, earning him a scowl from his companions.

"Yes, I am," Lanecea was very pleased with his answer, "but that is not what I was looking for. Notice the colour of Ignacy's blood. Do you see how it is mostly silver with just a hint of crimson? One thing you will notice about vampires is that they are unable to hide their true nature if you get a chance to see their blood. It is always silver. Now, I will ask you again, what do you see?"

"Impurity," Kazamiers answered after a long moment. "His blood is neither silver nor crimson - it is tainted."

"Yes it is," Lanecea smiled at her slave before turning her attention to Stanislaw who was yet to speak. "Tell me, Stanislaw, the story of your people. I need a distraction, my noble slave, and wish to hear tales of your forefathers."

Stanislaw looked up from the floor, finally meeting Lanecea's eyes and saw nothing more than love and pride reflected in their green depths. Lani, Queen of Darkness, Lady Wolfstein, She-Devil and every other name that she had been called in hushed whispers was radiant with love for his people and wanted to hear the stories of their greatness as she surrendered to the princess between her legs.

"In 1,025, Poland was recognized as a nation, but long before that time, my ancestors were men of valour, noble, and feared. The purest of blood flowed in their veins..."

Lanecea relaxed as Stanislaw regaled the ladies, Thorson, and Fintan with the story of his ancestors and a time when Poland was truly great, forgetting to control her body as she reacted hard to Revna and the call for greatness as his Polish ancestors whispered, then roared within his veins with such an intensity that Lanecea could feel them within her spine.

"Tell me," Lanecea whispered after she'd cum her brains out more times than she could count, "tell me, Ignacy, what will become of priestesses if the vampires succeed."

"They will be extinct, Mistress."

Eva, who was a gentle priestess and unaware of her husband's excursions, shuddered at Ignacy's confession.

"Extinct? But why would they want us to be extinct? We are so harmless..."

For a moment Ignacy looked as though he may regret being a vampire.

"Without priestesses, all great men will fall, and when they fall, civilization, as we know it, will be destroyed. It will be the greatest revolution in history when no one is left to stand against them."

Lanecea was still shaking, her nectar flowing like a fountain as she gripped the cushion, but she had enough brain cells left to notice that Ignacy was speaking as though he were not a vampire.

"It had to be done, Ignacy. You cannot produce more of your kind - do you understand that?"

A muscle clenched in the hybrid's jaw, but he nodded. 

"Crushing my balls may have been worse. Thank you for your mercy, Mistress. How may I prove my loyalty to you?"

"Don't betray my trust," Lanecea whispered as she gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from his hazel eyes. 

Ignacy nodded, but he didn't give his word to his mistress, Lani assuming the reason was because he had far too much vampire blood still in his veins. She would need to do something about the deficiency of nobility, a wicked gleam in her eyes as Lani licked her lips, but Lanecea was a good girl and would wait for Storm to return.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now