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It was far too easy to lose track of time while breeding, the couple unaware that the sun had set as Storm continued to pile-drive Lanecea against the wall, then the floor until the dog barked, announcing the arrival of their company.

Storm grinned as Lanecea attempted to wipe the overflow of his cum into her long legs while he attempted in vain to get his cock to calm down, then gave up, quickly shedding his clothes. It wasn't like their guests hadn't seen him naked. 

"I need to check on the girls," Lanecea's voice was breathless as Storm helped her off the floor, "and would prefer to give you your gift when the sky is just a little darker."

Lanecea officially captured Storm's curiosity, but he nodded, then stepped away to answer the door while Lani retreated to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry girls - I lost track of time," Lani blushed as she ran her fingers through her touseled hair. "Oh I love your initiative! Thank you so much!"

Llia balanced a bowl of trail mix in one arm and a bowl of popcorn in the other while Reaghan gripped a platter with drinks, the twins only pausing long enough to give their mother a kiss.

"You're welcome, Mamma."

"Don't worry - they'll be just fine," Willow reassured Lani before turning her attention to Revna who was retying the back of Lanecea's apron. "Are you coming, Revna?"

"Please may I stay and watch, Mamma? I won't be any trouble."

Lanecea's boobs were so full they were painful, her ripe melons making the decision for her.

"Yes, you may stay - at least for a little bit. Thank you, Willow. I really appreciate you as always."

"It's a pleasure," Willow smiled, but she and the twins were barely out of the kitchen before she heard Lanecea beg, "Please suck my boobs, Darling - I'm going to burst."

"Mmm," Revna didn't hesitate to oblige.


"I think you should ditch the apron," Revna suggested as she swiped milk from her neck, the girl giving Lanecea a final once-over. "It's cute but it doesn't really go with what you have in mind tonight."

"But our guests are already here and I don't know what else to wear - and don't say 'nothing.' I want tonight to be spectacular for your father. I've been planning this surprise for a very long time."

"The vampire dress - it's perfect. Here, I'll take these. Where do you want me to put them?"

Lanecea was already unfastening her apron as she looked over at the two platters of finger foods.

"Thank you, Sweetie, but it is alright. I'll bring them. You haven't seen my dungeon yet and I wouldn't like for you to get lost. It may give you nightmares in the future..."

"Alright," Revna agreed, following Lanecea instead to the spare bedroom where Lanecea was temporarily keeping her gowns. She'd prefer to watch Lanecea get dressed anyway.

Lanecea's hair was pinned up, compliments of Revna's skillful fingers, and her neck was thoroughly kissed before they emerged from the bedroom hand-in-hand. The vampire fang dress shimmered in the dim light as they walked down the hallway, attempting to make up for the time they'd taken to feed, get dressed, and kiss. 

"I keep losing track of time..." Lanecea's voice was breathless as she stepped into the living room where Storm and their guests were waiting, both she and Revna balancing a platter of finger-foods.

"Here, let me help," Eva was the first to offer as she stepped away from her husband's lap.

"That's quite alright - but thank you. Actually, would you mind taking Revna and the priestesses to my temple? I'll join you there shortly - I just need to take care of a few things first." Lancea waited long enough for Eva to agree before turning her attention to Storm who was eyeing her choice of clothing, the garment a huge hint, she supposed. "My King, are you ready? I would like you to join us, please."

Storm and the men stood, accompanying their wives to the temple, but continued alongside Lani after she'd left the priestesses with the McLeans, the elderly couple enjoying the company of Lanecea's many children.

"I won't be gone long," Lanecea promised a moment before leading the way down a corridor, then turned abruptly to the left before taking a winding staircase that led she and her companions further into the earth, darkness so dense you could taste it if it were not for the flaming torches lining the wall.

"Hans, Sir? Would you like to tell my king?..." Lanecea's voice betrayed her sudden fear that she may be about to make Storm very angry with her and hadn't actually considered it until that very moment.

The German was empathetic, but Lanecea was the mastermind behind the operation, he only acting as guard and of course, engineer.

"No, Sweetheart..."

Lanecea swallowed hard, her fingers gripping the platter in her hands trembling.

"This, My King... Um...okay, please don't be angry with me but I used some of my magic for this surprise and I tested it, so I know for sure it worked. Just think of all the time you've been saved now so you can spend more time with the children. It would mean so much to them, you know."

"What are you trying to say?" Storm frowned as he watched Lanecea place the platter down onto a nearby table before beginning to climb up yet another flight of stairs until they reached a cast-iron gate within a stone archway, cool night air kissing their skin.

"I love you...actually, I adore you, and I know what you need but I can't think of the right words. I want you to be happy and the Vikings went on raids...and you like to hunt..." Lanecea was really struggling to present her great gift, looking lost and frightened as she stood with her back pressed against the cast-iron bars. A moment later she snapped her fingers, the words she was looking for finally coming to her. "Free-range, like free-range chickens. Isn't it perfect?! The vampires are like free-range chickens..."

Hans laughed before coming to Lanecea's rescue as he pushed a button, the walls on both their left and right suddenly disappearing into the floor to reveal an impressive display of weapons.

"Enjoy your hunt, My Heart," Lanecea smiled at the man who was far from angry before brushing a kiss on his lips just before he stepped into the weapons room.

"I love the surprise, My Queen. Thank you."

"You're welcome - but I'm just getting started," Lanecea promised with a smile before turning away, leaving the men to have their fun. "Oh, My King?"


"They are loaded with tranquillizers so please be careful. I thought you'd have more fun if you could hunt them again later..."

Lanecea didn't notice if Storm responded, the sight of undead eyes watching her from just outside the iron bars sending a cold chill down her spine, but not for long as Herja shot him in the neck.

"Not tonight, Herja," Lanecea's voice was soft. "Return to your chamber. I am safe."

"Are you certain? They smell your fear, Lani," Herja stepped closer to the bars, fingering her revolver.

"Yes, I'm sure. Tonight Storm is hunting with his friends. I have something better planned for you tonight. Are you ready to please me?"


"Good Girl. Return to your chamber."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now