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Alice lay upon the freshly scrubbed table set up in the Himmler's basement, the smell of bleach making her want to sneeze. It was a distraction, Alice supposed as she squeezed her eyes shut tight waiting for Herja to inject five vials of Wilhelm's sperm into her empty womb. If Ella could endure the procedure, Alice sure wasn't going to be the first to chicken out.

"Of course, you will still be intimate for pleasure, but there will be less pressure to conceive, and I'm certain if we stick with this procedure, pregnancies will be guaranteed. I wish we had thought of this sooner. If I had known such a thing was even possible all those years when I was barren... Oh, this is so wonderful! I don't know who was crying more, Ella or I when the technician announced that Ella was expecting triplets. Triplets!" Mrs. Himmler repeated as though her companions hadn't heard her the first time. "This changes everything!"

"And just think, Herja only inserted two vials in Ella - this is five..." Alice wasn't about to be outdone even though her best friend would be the first out of the two women to give birth to multiples.

"That is a lot of cum..." Mrs. Himmler commented although she wouldn't really know, her husband deposited his directly into her vagina each time they were intimate.

"Right?! And Lani said that was just from one contribution. The others are still in storage somewhere..." Alice glanced over at Herja, not wanting to say too much as Storm's wife wasn't aware of the underworld.

"There is plenty of room to store semen now," Herja looked up after she disposed of the syringe, placing the empty vials in the deep sink. "Mr. Himmler is looking into getting what I need to keep the samples temperature controlled. Are you planning on opening a website for a sperm bank? There is far more cum than I was expecting and if Lani has more in storage...Mr. Himmler mentioned there will be another shipment arriving shortly - this could potentially become a large-scale operation."

"That's kind of the idea," Alice remained laying on the table, her fingers stroking her abdomen. "but I don't think that amount of sperm could be called samples - more like, I wouldn't even know...that's a lot! I think we should come up with a name for our project. What do you think of 'The Priestess Society?' I think Lani would love that name."

"No," Mrs. Himmler shook her head, "It sounds too much like the Bilderberg Group or some other organization people would begin to question."

"Perhaps you're right," Alice agreed, "What about The Baby Bump Group?"

"I think you should keep thinking," Herja grinned as she returned to the table, pulling up a chair beside Alice before recording her notes.

"I will contact some of the women in my network - other priestesses. I'm certain they will want to support our program especially if the procedure was a success today as well..."

"Is everyone decent?" Hans called out, tapping on the basement door with his foot.

"Come in," Mrs. Himmler was already crossing the room when her husband stepped through the door, a large wooden crate in his arms. "I have two more in the trunk. Herja, Lanecea wanted me to let you know that she has properly labeled each jar and she expects to keep them stored by surname, country, and batch number. Lani won't be impressed if they are mixed up - oh, and these are donations from Italians."

"1526?" Herja raised an eyebrow as she examined one of the jars of cream, holding it up to the light.

"Just write down the number," Hans instructed, careful not to explain the significance: the year the cardinals donated cum to Queen Lanecea. 

"It appears we are ready to take the next step," Mrs. Wagner smiled as she joined her friends in the basement. "I found this flyer when I was in town yesterday. The program is run by a local church, but they are looking for volunteers. What do you think?"

"Pregnant and alone? Have you recently had a baby but lack a support system?

Mentors are available for expecting mothers and those with babies from newborn to six months old. 

If you are interested, we are hosting a meet and greet at the Fun Zone between 12-4 pm on Tuesdays. All are welcome."

Mrs. Himmler looked up at the clock hanging just behind Alice's head.

"It's only 1 pm. We would have plenty of time."

"I've got to get back to my kiddos," Alice swung her legs off the table, "thank you, Herja. I really appreciate you doing this for Wilhelm and I."

"No problem."

"Herja, I'm just going to drop my wife and Gretjen off at the Fun Zone. I'm sure these donations will keep you busy for the next few hours but I should be back before then. I have two more cases in the trunk that I will bring in right now."

Herja nodded, before turning her attention to the older women who were bursting with excitement.

"What is your plan? Are you going to volunteer to be mentors?"

"Of course," the wives answered in unison and then laughed before Mrs. Himmler explained for the younger woman's benefit. "I'm sure there will be at least one Italian woman we can mentor."

Herja looked up as Hans returned with cases of Italian sperm, realization dawning on her.

"Ohh," Herja whispered. "This is Lanecea's idea?"

"Of course," Hans looked up over his shoulder, "she's going to save our people or die trying and it looks like she is beginning with Italians."

Herja realized she probably should have been paying more attention to Lanecea's scatterbrained ideas. She really was very serious after all. Without saying a word, Herja rolled up her sleeves, beginning to log each contribution.

Passerini. Italian. 1526

Medici. Italian. 1526

"Lanecea mentioned something about the Medici family when she was teaching our kids history this week," Herja wished she had been paying attention then as well.

"Keep that contribution separate from the other Italian ones. Lanecea will have a special use for it," Hans looked up, his eyes darkening although he didn't refresh Herja's memory on what she had missed out on during the lesson. Lanecea wasn't a fool and would not have gone into great detail with Herja in hearing range.

Bembo. Italian. 1526

"They all have the same number," Herja paused yet again, looking up from her records.

"Just put them in alphabetical order by surname. The number isn't as significant...yet."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now