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The air crackled with expectancy as Striker and Stalker led the men into the temple, Taran and Fintan finally leaving their mother's side to take a seat on the thrones flanking the god, Honos, while Storm and Thorson took their places on either side of Lanecea. Neither Storm nor Hans seemed surprised to see Revna and Eva feasting side by side, but Storm quickly dislodged both of them as he raised Lanecea off the stairs, setting her down on his just-freed cock. Revna and Eva immediately resumed sucking on Lanecea's breasts as they watched the men approach the dias in single file, Hans taking the lead.

"You have my devotion," Hans knelt before Lanecea, "and always have. For eternity, it belongs to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Himmler."

"Suck her clit," Storm commanded as he began thrusting within his mistress while Revna and Eva struggled to remain latched on, but the females were determined.

Hans, however, looked as though he had died and gone to heaven, forgetting to thank Storm before he raised Lanecea's gown, his large hands already spreading her legs open wider.

Thorson groaned as he watched the chief of the secret police sucking on Lanecea's clit while his father thrust mere inches away, driving his cock deep within her eager body. Lanecea's mouth was just as eager as she accepted the invasion of Thorson's cock between her lips, his bull penis muffling her mewls of pleasure as she was shown pure devotion from her growing entourage.

The Italian men were left to decide which of the gods or all of them they would worship. Worshipping the gods could get them burned at the stake and they were well aware of the risks, but the men prostrated themselves before Storm and Thorson, lapping the flow of their precum from the temple floor.

Honos laughed, not in the least insulted that the men who had admired the pope and his worthless posse for years now worshipped demi-gods. It was a step up, he supposed, still smiling as he stood from his throne, addressing the men in Italian first and then translating into English for their allies' benefit.

"These men have devoted their lives to serving you, Storm and Thorson, and are willing to die for you. For that reason, they are under my protection and this temple will remain a sanctuary throughout eternity to the faithful."

Lanecea pulled her head away from Thorson's throbbing cock and not because he was close to ejaculating in her mouth.

"Excuse me, please, Honos, but is the temple only to be a sanctuary? I was hoping that tonight, while the veil between the worlds is thinnest...before we have to go?"

Of course, that would be the goddess of fertility's request.

Honos wouldn't disappoint.

"The sons conceived tonight will be dedicated to the temple at the age of four. You may keep your daughters as you agreed last night. Lanecea is correct. The temple is far more than a sanctuary when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. As Christians, you have much to learn, but the temple is also for breeding as it pleases the gods - some more than others," Honos winked at the perpetually horny green-eyed goddess already being ravished before the night could begin.

The men swiped precum off of their lips, their marble-hard cocks already throbbing. 

Mrs. Himmler released Lanecea's breast with a sigh.

"I suppose I need to teach these women," the blonde stood from the dais' steps before showing the women how to dance around the altar on nights when their ancestral magic pulsed beneath the ground. 

Lanecea moaned around Thorson's cock as he slid it between her lips once more, the nights they'd spent breeding before the ancestors unforgettable. These ladies were in for a treat.

Storm and Thorson didn't mind in the least when Lanecea wove her fingers within Hans' hair, pressing his mouth harder against her leaking pussy as the women dropped their insecurities at the foot of the altar along with their white dresses until they were all naked as they danced and danced beneath the flickering light, dedicating their wombs to the gods of their ancestors.

Lanecea released Hans' hair long enough to point to one man who was dripping in earnest, the Italian bowing before the queen before reaching for his wife, barely stepping away from the dancing women before he began to breed her hard and fast. Lani pointed to two more men who followed the first man's lead, balls slapping against their wives' asses as they mounted their women from behind, all three facing the gods and goddesses. 

"Mmm....yesss....just like that..." Lanecea attempted to speak but it was impossible around Thorson's girth, his precum already running down her chin and neck. "Harder!"

The women were already winded as Lanecea called out to the beasts lying dormant within the Italians, her lighting whispering to their Roman ancestors within their blood. "Cum for me. Give me sons for the temple."

Men roared as they soaked their wives' wombs, coming harder than ever as they obeyed the summons for greatness. 

Deverra gasped, worry reflected in her eyes as Storm stood on the stairs, raising Lanecea in his arms as he bred her even harder in front of the writhing Romans below, Lani's hair whipping around their faces with the feverish intensity of his breeding. Thorson stepped forward, pressing his chiseled abs against Lanecea's stomach, acting as a protective barrier to their babies as he thrust his cock between her boobs, matching his thrusts to his father's as Lanecea instinctively began sucking his cock as it plunged between her breasts over and over again. Hans tilted his head, licking and sucking her pussy while his wife and Revna massaged the overflow into Lanecea's long legs, giving their goddess the perfect massage.

Lanecea, however, was still fully tapped into her goddess, the only goddess in the room who was the goddess of fertility. She was only half goddess but that didn't stop her from trying, as she tapped into Hans, Eva, and Revna's worship.

"Quadruplets...mmm...yes...conceive quadruplets tonight."

Lanecea channeled her electricity into the women who had pledged their loyalty to her the night before until they began worshipping their husbands in earnest, consumed in their need for their husbands just as their men roared and groaned at the same time, four little boys beginning their first seconds of life within each womb at the goddess' command.

Deverra gasped for the second time that night. Lanecea had done it, after all. Minerva was smiling almost as much but was busy doing the mathematical calculations, already preparing for the little boys to be brought to the temple.

Cum covered the floor long before Storm carried Lanecea from the temple, their children following with Hans and his wife at their side.

"I think our field trip was a success," Lanecea smiled as they left the temple along with the gods and still-breeding couples behind.

"It's not over yet, Priestess."

Lanecea smiled even more if that was possible. She really wasn't ready to go home but hadn't had time to ask Storm to extend their trip. They needed to stop in France first now that she had saved the little boys. A Wolf Whisperer needed their help.

The group was long gone when the bones were discovered but no one noticed that the skulls were slightly more elongated than normal, a sudden thunderstorm erasing the wolf tracks.

Lanecea hadn't wanted to risk leaving the vampires for the birds this time. It was far too risky to leave behind half-eaten vampire corpses in the heart of the Papal States. Lani kissed languid trails up and down the side of Storm's neck as he carried her away from Italy long before dawn. If all went well, they would be perfectly safe when in France, under the protection of the powerful Cardinals that had been spared to live another day.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now