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Lanecea wished she had never made that promise but a promise is a promise and she wouldn't back out no matter how much Lani wished she could do exactly that. How was she going to help Herja be a good girl? It felt like an impossible feat especially since Freya refused to participate in Lanecea's quest.

"You really need to learn to think things through before you speak. Perhaps this will teach you that lesson," Freya turned toward the door at the sound of Herja's arrival. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Darlings," Freya included Lanecea's young companions before she disappeared.

Lanecea wasn't used to women working outside the home but assumed they were much like men, needing time alone to de-stress and unwind when they returned home from work. Normally she would bury her nose in a book, leaving Herja in peace, or meet with the queen's court for the rest of the evening but today was different.

Revna smiled at Lani as she stepped into the kitchen, holding a bouquet of cream and peach-hued roses in her arms that they had brought back for Herja from Lanecea's gardens in Atlantis.

"These are for you, Mom," Revna announced, her sisters at their mother's side as she leaned against the counter.

"Thank you Revna. They are beautiful."

"Do you see the card?" Rena pointed out the white corner poking out from beneath the stems. "It's really important."

Herja fished out the card, reading it out loud.

"Mom, you are invited to a tea party tomorrow if you aren't working. A banquet will be held at 6 pm. I hope you can come. xoxoxoxoxoxo Revna"

"Well, can you come? It will be so amazing!" Revna didn't wait for Herja to place the card on the table.

"I'm not working tomorrow, so yes, I should be able to make it to both," Herja hugged Revna before turning her attention to her supper.

"Mom said she's coming!" Revna wrapped her arms around Lani's waist, her sisters squishing Revna in an impromptu hug before all three raced back to Revna's bedroom, bursting with excitement.

"Would you like me to put them in water for you?" Lani offered when the women were left alone in the kitchen.

"Sure. Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you are off work tomorrow. Revna was really hoping you would be able to make it - all the girls were, honestly. They've been working very hard in their home economics classes and we are planning a banquet to surprise Storm and the boys with their skills tomorrow evening. I was wondering if you would be alright with me having a few friends over tomorrow during the day? I'd like to host a Prep Party and I think it would be a wonderful experience for the girls. You are more than welcome to join us as well. Is that alright?"


Lanecea thanked Herja but didn't know what else to say. The two women were practically strangers and it had been two weeks since Storm's body and soul had merged and their world had changed - an eternity. Lani couldn't wait for tomorrow, keeping her fingers crossed that she would not only fulfill her promise but gain a friend...maybe that was pushing it.


Herja's kitchen was a bustling beehive of activity when she joined the ladies the following morning, Lanecea making the introductions.

"Good morning, Herja. I'd like you to meet Mrs. Wagner and her daughter-in-law, Alice. Beside her is Mrs. Himmler and her daughter-in-law, Ella. Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Himmler were my neighbors when I was a child, their sons, were my best friends. I haven't seen them since...well, for many years. Ladies, I'd like you to meet Revna's mother, Herja."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now