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Lanecea circled left while Hans took the right, the two surrounding the onlookers, yet, if anyone cared to look over at the noblewoman, it appeared that she was simply trying to get a better view of the execution. No one would realize until it was much too late that Lanecea was far from alone, Hans and his secret police were also within the crowd, but unlike Lanecea, they kept to the shadows. They were everywhere, but only the unfortunate prey ever came face to face with the men who hated vampires as much as she. 

Resisting the urge to rub the goosebumps along the length of her arms, Lanecea focused on remaining dignified as she wove through the growing throngs, her sight set on the men in black robes, wooden crosses hanging from their necks.

Lanecea smiled at the tall man as she gently touched his arm while gesturing toward where the men were about to burn, indicating that she was too short to be able to see the spectacle. The cross pendant kissed his black robe as the man turned his attention on the woman who was struggling not to burst with excitement, his soulless eyes, searching hers, finding only curiosity mirrored back at him. Stepping back, he allowed Lanecea to squeeze in front of him, affording her an unobstructed view. Twisting a strand of hair around her fingers to hide her nervousness, Lanecea nodded a moment before the Jesuit's world went dark.

Two men were bound together, each back to back with the stake in between them with only one left to burn on his own. Lanecea almost felt pity for the poor sap, feeling that the victims at least could rely on each other until their last breath, which she supposed was some comfort. Reaching for a corner of Hans' cape that was still draped across her shoulders, she tugged the fabric over her mouth as the pyre was lit the moment after the priest offered one last chance to recant. It was no surprise that they stood their ground even when the flames began to crackle, the only sound heard within the breathless hush. Not for long. Any minute now, the men would start screaming - or at least howl in pain.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

Lanecea gasped as a strong arm pulled her away from where she was standing surrounded by Jesuits and priests. Lani blushed as a few men chuckled at the sight of Storm sweeping his woman off her feet before carrying her away from the morbid spectacle although she didn't look like she had any intention of fainting at the sight. 

"But..." Lanecea began, looking back over her shoulder. "I wanted to see if they would crackle and pop. I know they tolerate..." Lani bit her lip, remembering in the nick of time not to breathe a word about their secret, instead burying her face against the crook of Storm's neck. 

"Why can't you be good and stay put?" Storm whispered against her hair, clearly worried as they left the market behind. 

"It's impossible. I have so much to do and it helps distract me from my aching heart. Thank you for coming back, by the way. I didn't think you would, but my heart is very happy."

Lanecea didn't bother to ask him why he had left suddenly in the first place or why he was able to go so long without spending time with her. All that mattered at that moment was that his heart was beating just as fast as hers, hopefully out of love for his mistress, not adrenaline. 

"Storm? My King?" Lanecea brought her dreamy thoughts back to reality in a heartbeat as Storm turned in the opposite direction of the temple.

He wasn't taking her home.

"Please, I have been good and have so much to show you... You'll be proud of me - I promise."

Storm looked down at Lanecea, her eyes struggling to match the words coming out of her mouth, but it was Hans who came to Lani's rescue.

"Not yet, Storm. There is still work for Lani to do and I did promise I'd take her to witness a questioning. It will be the opportunity of a lifetime."

"And something that will inspire you too," Lanecea grinned, trailing her fingertip on the rigid planes of Storm's chest. "Please, My King? Afterward, I'll be an even better girl than I already am." Lanecea burst into giggles, unable to keep a straight face through that promise.

Storm couldn't resist kissing the laughter on her lips but didn't agree to Hans' promise, still heading toward the forest.

"Summon the nannies, Hans. We're going home."

Lani wouldn't defy her king, besides, home was wherever he was.

"After the babies are born, may I please return? I was just getting started..." Lanecea made her request between kisses and licks along Storm's neck.

Storm didn't give her an answer as he stepped into the Oak Grove, the dryads bowing to the king and his queen.

"I have some unfinished business to take care of," Hans informed Lani before brushing a kiss on her fingers, then stood back watching as Storm carried Lanecea down the stairs of the magical pond.

There would be a next time, and Lani, who looked like she was about to pop at any moment, would be joining him soon enough, the woman as restless as he. 

"I was really good for you," Lanecea assured Storm once again, whispering her promise against his thoroughly kissed neck as the underground tunnel swallowed them up.

"I never have any doubts. You are very loyal."

Lanecea's heart purred. She remained silent, however, soaking in Storm's scent and warmth, but was wondering how he would feel if he knew her heart had doubted he would ever return to her. He had left her much too long. Lani knew she needed to work on her trust, but sometimes, it was very difficult, especially when she didn't understand how her king could exist without his queen for so very long. To ask would be a waste of the short amount of time Storm had for her, Lani choosing instead to make every moment count as she worshipped her returning king.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now