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Lady Wolfstien was well aware that the men currently tied to her bedposts despised her allies for one simple reason: they hated vampires. Hatred and lust waltzed together in her slaves' eyes as Storm turned Lanecea in his arms once more after Fintan collapsed onto the floor, his balls finally drained. Revna sucked and licked her mother's clit as Thorson and Taran sucked her boobs, Revna's sisters too busy laughing as Herja attempted to milk Lani and ward off the horny boys, a losing battle. 

Lanecea, however, was focused, even though Storm hadn't paused for a moment in breeding her even when flipping her onto her back once more, his queen determined to hold court even if she could barely formulate a coherent sentence, her slaves finally in her crosshairs.

The men were learning quickly that Lani could read thoughts and their hesitation to give her their devotion had succeeded in snapping her out of the lust-induced stupor and back to her mission.

"Tell me...mmm...names and rank...please..." Laneca added, proving she really was as sweet as sugar as long as there was no vampire DNA coursing through your veins. The unconscious man currently suspended upside down on the wall was proof that Lanecea had limits.

"I'm Corporal Stanislaw," the man closest to the door was the first to speak.

"Welcome," Lanecea smiled, then was momentarily distracted as Revna whispered, "Go ahead and suck Mamma off my tongue, Fintan."

Fintan didn't have to be asked twice as he began to suck Revna's nectar-coated tongue as she plopped her ass on his lap.

"Mmm, you please me when you give me what I want, Revna," Fintan moaned after he licked Revna's lips, refusing to waste a drop.

"I can tell you are pleased," Revna teased as she wiggled her butt on Fintan's rapidly growing cock. "Does Mamma's Boy want nectar or milk?"

"Both, Mamma's Girl," Fintan winked as he reached between their bodies to stroke his cock and attempt to keep his precum off his sister's ass, a losing battle.

Reva grinned at her brother before looking up at her father, finally remembering to get his permission, then sighed straight to her toes when her daddy nodded, approving of Revna taking good care of her brother.

Lanecea stroked Revna's hair after she'd thoroughly licked Lani's pussy as she returned her attention to her two other slaves who were struggling to speak as they watched Lanecea feed her family.

"Go ahead...mmm...please," Lanecea prodded.

"I'm Second Lieutenant Roman and this is Captain Kazamiers. Am I correct in my assumption that you will not be setting us free?"

Lanecea grinned as she nodded. No, she had no intention of setting her slaves free from her very sticky web, but instead, she said simply, "It is a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen, and no, you will not be escaping me. I trust that you will grow to love me as much as my guards are devoted to me. They would give their lives for me in a heartbeat. It is not my intention to keep you bound indefinitely, but trust must be earned."

The men had no way of knowing that not everyone enjoying Lanecea had earned her trust, but hierarchy was also important as they endeavoured to win a place in Lani's heart.

"Do you trust me?" Lanecea's voice was soft as she looked up, searching Storm's eyes.

"Always, My Queen."

"Oh thank you!" Lanecea was breathless and not from the unrelenting pounding Storm was currently giving her before Lanecea gave Storm the promise she had been keeping close to her heart until the right moment. "Thank you for my slaves. You please me far more than I have words to articulate, and that is really saying something. I give you my word that I will never betray your trust and breed with my slaves. They are very valuable to me and I will treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve, but they will still need to earn my trust before they are given more freedom of movement of course. I have great plans for these men - and the others in my collection. Thank you for giving me this gift, My King. While I'm on that topic, may I please ask for a Christmas gift? I'm sure I'm on Santa's naughty list..."

"Most definitely!" Storm roared with laughter before giving Lanecea a kiss that showed her how much he adored her. "Yes, you may ask for a Christmas gift. What would you like me to give you?"

Lanecea wasn't exactly sure how to ask for what she wanted, taking a moment to choose her words carefully.

"You are my god, as you know, so I was wondering if, for my Christmas gift, you would cheat death? I have a list of men who will die just after Christmas but I want them. Will you please give them to me to add to my collection just before they are shot? I believe you are capable of anything and could pull off the sleight of hand, and I don't mind at all that they will be belated Christmas gifts. They are scheduled to die on December 27th and I would very much like it if they were spared instead."

Roman exchanged a look with Kazamiers as they waited with held breath for Storm's response, the three men having a completely different view of the woman held in Storm's arms.

"The men you wish to add to your collection will be spared - you have my word. We will return to Poland on December 27th. Be sure to have your list ready."

"Oh thank you! You're so good to me and I adore you!"

Storm smiled as he showered Lanecea in kisses. Lanecea was loyal, only pleasing those he permitted to enjoy her - those who needed her. Lani would never dream of betraying him even with men she admired, Dieter, Hans, and Wolfstein just to name a few. Storm had no reason to doubt that she would ever betray his trust with her growing collection of trophy slaves, the woman far more devoted to him than every single person in their headquarters was devoted to Lani - and that was saying a lot. The captain, corporal, and second lieutenant may not be willing to admit it just yet, but they were devoted to his Secret Keeper from the moment she had asked for their names and ranks, unable to resist the woman who was perpetually spinning her web.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now