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"I'm not sure this is a good idea. I've never done this before," Herja hedged, although the syringe in her hand was already poised.

"Please, Herja, I'm desperate," Ella's blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she lay on the kitchen table, her top raised, but still covering her breasts. "Lani believed you could help me...and I trust you too."

Lanecea ran her fingers through her hair, looking between the two women. It had just begun as one of her many scatterbrained ideas, but Ella had grasped onto the idea and wouldn't let go. Not that Ella could be blamed. Babies were everything, especially now that they faced extinction. Besides, Herja was finally finding her place in Lani's kingdom, Lanecea's heart more at peace with the twist in fate than it had been less than forty-eight hours earlier and it all hinged upon that syringe in Herja's fingers.

"Bring me the rubbing alcohol," Herja instructed Thorson, "I am just going to make sure the area is disinfected first. Sorry, it's going to be cold..."

Ella flinched a little, her focus, however, on the creamy substance inside the needle, not the portion that would plunder her womb in a matter of seconds. Johann was a good man, admitting what had happened earlier that morning as he apologized to his wife. "I don't know where all that cum came from, but I swear I never touched her..."

Most men wasted their sperm but Ella and Lanecea had a lot more in common than being priestesses - they shared a vision.

"I have two vials you want them both?" Herja looked up into Ella's hopeful eyes, the woman eager to be their first proverbial guinea pig.

"Of course! How many babies will they produce, do you think? Oh, I cannot wait! I have so much time to make up for..."

Herja shook her head. Johann and Ella had only been married for less than six months.

"I'm not sure, but if the sperm is inserted directly, I've read that multiples usually result. I'm not sure how much cum is traditionally used. Two vials may be a bit much..."

"Oh please hurry, I just can't wait another second!" Ella's heart fluttered as she closed her eyes, bracing for the long needle.

Lanecea held Ella's hand for moral support, her free hand stroking Ella's blond hair. 

"I wonder what ten babies born at the same time would be called. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

Ella giggled, taking the two vials like a trooper as she dreamed of her womb already overflowing with at least a dozen babies. 

"Poor Johann will have to carry me everywhere. I wouldn't be able to walk, let alone waddle."

The visual made the women laugh, Ella not aware that the procedure was already over, her sigh reaching her toes.

"We should tell Alice. She'll likely want to do this as well. Your making men cum more than humanly possible is a gift, Lani, especially with what we are up against. My mother and mother-in-law both agree that it isn't cheating if your husband doesn't touch another woman, and doesn't enter her, but erupting cocks is natural and this way, not a drop is wasted."

Lanecea didn't thank Ella for the compliment - that would be just weird. 

"I think we all have a part to play," Lanecea was thoughtful, her deep thoughts soon scattered as Thorson raised her from the kitchen chair, thrusting within her before holding Lani on his lap. Ella remained lying on her back on the kitchen table, her fingertips gently stroking her still-flat belly.

"Ella does have a valid point," Herja ran her fingers through her hair, "I've never seen Storm cum so much in all the years we've been married. You'd think he has a hollow leg...balls..."

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now