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Lanecea could spend an eternity listening to King Storm's voice, the sound soothing her soul before reaching the very recesses of her heart. It really didn't even matter if sometimes she hadn't the faintest clue what he was talking about, perfectly content to remain quiet and just listen with every cell in her body. 

King Storm looked down at the woman lying in his arms, her dreamy gaze once again a million miles away although she hadn't looked away, her sigh reaching to her toes.

"Have you been listening? It's important. Should something go wrong while I'm away..."

Lanecea was really trying very hard to listen, but it seemed to be an impossible feat.

"May I tell you how I'm feeling please?" Lanecea asked when she realized he was no longer speaking and hadn't been for some time, the two lying together in perfect silence.

"Yes, of course."

"I'm feeling impatient."

The king didn't bother to ask why she was feeling impatient, already knowing exactly the reason why her soul was restless.

"Go ahead. Worship."

"Oh thank you!"

The king laughed as Lanecea immediately showered his heart with a thousand and one kisses while her fingertips trailed up and down his abs.

"Now are you able to focus on what I need to tell you?"

"Yes, Your Magnificent Majesty, I'm very focused."

The king couldn't help but laugh again, affectionately touching her nose with his fingertip as Lanecea purred with pleasure in his arms. It went without saying that he was going to miss her, counting down the days, minutes, and hours until they were once again entangled in each other's arms, but the vampires were restless, regrouping as they prepared to strike yet again. Until they were wiped out of existence, there could be no peace.

"There is a tunnel system that leads from just below the throne room and from there stretches out to The Great Cliffs.  If we are besieged while I am away, you need to take the children and head for the tunnels. Don't look back, do you hear me? There is nothing here that is more important than your safety. Once you reach The Great Cliffs, you will head north..."

Lanecea looked up from licking the tip of his cock, glossy precum shining on her lips. He really believed she was capable of knowing where North was without a compass, and from some passageway beneath the ground? Lani would be lucky if she even made it to The Great Cliffs, fear making her brain a muddled mess. It was kind of him to believe in her though, but Lanecea shivered trying not to imagine being lost forever in a maze of tunnels, she and children perishing as the walls closed in on them. 

"Is everything alright?" King Storm tore his eyes away from his frightened queen to the young man crawling into their bed. 

"I had a nightmare," Thorson winked at the king who grinned, shifting over to make room. "I couldn't help but overhear your escape plan. It shouldn't be necessary when Lani and the kids are with me, but just in case, I wouldn't mind if you showed me a map if you have one. Is there a blueprint of the city?"

The king didn't answer, remaining silent for a few minutes lost in thought.

"I will show you a map in the morning. If it wasn't for Lanecea giving her word to your father that you both would be returned on Sunday, I have half a mind to take you with me. You have a good head on your shoulders, and, if your first vampire hunt was any indication, you will be a force to be reckoned with when you come into your own in a few years."

Thorson was barely listening, his attention diverted as King Storm flipped Lani onto her back before sliding his cock in between her legs from behind until his entire length was firmly sheathed deep within her.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now