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Lani hoped that Thorson was good at keeping secrets. There was no way her pastor and his wife could ever find out about what had taken place in the forest the night before. They were already old but it was sure to give them a heart attack, sending both to an early grave. That didn't stop her from being thrilled to see the prince once again.

"I'm so happy you've returned!" Lanecea exclaimed, stating the obvious as she struggled with self-control, keeping herself from reaching for his hand. 

Adelaide and Darrell had already paired off so it wasn't too suspicious if Lani stuck with the remaining boy, keeping him company.

"I'm really glad to be back too. I didn't think it was going to happen, but Frey and Freya finally decided I could go on the hunt."

Lanecea placed her finger on her lips, indicating for Thorson to be careful what he said. Her pastor was a smart man and likely had heard of the gods or at least had read about them whether or not he believed in their existence. 

"Well, I'm glad you're here."

And she meant it.

"Why don't you two help me set out these blankets? Just put the pillows in a line between the blankets when you are finished so the boys are separated from the girls."

Thorson almost rolled his eyes, making Lani smile before she quickly ducked, grabbing a handful of quilts.

"I'm really excited about going to the fair tomorrow. Do you think that is where they are going to hunt? It doesn't make much sense if there are a lot of people going..."

"It would be perfect, I think," Thorson disagreed, "it will be easier to blend in and we could be like snipers laying in wait, but not as bored as out in the desert with nothing to see."

"True...I'm going to ask my sister if she will sleep closer to the wall, then, if you like, perhaps you will sleep closer to the pillows too?"

"Sure," Thorson grinned, liking Lanecea's idea as he pushed the pillow barrier down a little further so their shoulders, at least, could touch. "I won't leave your side tomorrow, Lani. I'm going to guide you, so don't worry, but I think you will be a great queen by the time we return."


"You'd think I'd leave you?"

"Well no, of course not, but I wasn't thinking about that part. Do you think I'll be a real queen when I return tomorrow? I could actually go to the castle instead of having to go home?"

The pastor's wife interrupted before Thorson had to burst Lanecea's hopeful bubble.

"Did I hear you mention castles? I know how much you love to read, Lanecea, and I think I have a book you will love. It's antique and is filled with pictures of all the castles in Great Britain. Here, let me get it for you."

She returned a few minutes later with the largest book Lani had ever seen, carefully setting it down on an end table. 

"Oh, I do love it! Thank you!" Lanecea was breathless as she opened the first page, not noticing Storm had returned and joined them in the basement. "Will you please help me choose the perfect castle?"

"I'd be happy to," Thorson grinned, looking up at his father before scooting closer to Lanecea who was already dreaming of living in the first picture.


"I don't like to compete against boys and men," Lanecea whispered, panic in her voice as her pastor set out a game of snakes and ladders. "I never want to be a competition or a challenge. May I please not have to play?"

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now