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Thorson and Revna came dangerously close to knocking Lanecea over but stopped just short as they raced across the lawn toward her. The woman was smothered in hugs and kisses, but was laughing in breathless delight as they showed Lani they missed her just as much.

"My balls have never been so painful!" Thorson confessed which made Lanecea purr and laugh at the time, her laughter dying on her lips as Herja stepped out of the house.

"Hey Lani, I'll catch up with you when I get off work," Herja waved, her keys jangling in her hand as she headed toward her vehicle.

"Sure," Lani ran her fingers through her hair. She'd likely be wide awake when Herja returned, unable to sleep much of late.

Lanecea was distracted once more as Revna reached for her hand, but Thorson pulled her away, wrapping his arms around her. 

"It's my surprise," Thorson gave his sister a look that spoke volumes.


"Alright, but only for a few minutes," Thorson conceded, barely noticing as Storm retreated to the barn.

Revna forgot it was her brother's vision as she led Lanecea toward a panel in the wall, immediately swinging it open to reveal a hidden staircase.

"No way!" Lanecea's eyes sparkled.

"Well c'mon," Revna giggled, only just realizing Lanecea was still lingering at the entrance. 

Thorson, however, looked offended as he turned toward Lanecea, removing his arm from around her waist.

"You know I have already checked for spiders and dealt with them. I wouldn't let a spider near you, Lani, and you know it."

"Oh I know, My Darling Prince, I'm just not sure if I will get stuck," Lanecea admitted looking between the narrow staircase and then down at her about-to-explode belly. "That would be embarrassing."

"You won't - don't worry," Thorson assured her before reaching for her hand. "Besides, Dad knows about the surprise, so if he can't find us, he'll come looking and will just give you one good push..."

Lanecea didn't hear the rest, blushing furiously at that image.

"Mom said when the baby is almost ready to be born, their mothers want to start nesting," Revna was serious as she began to explain an important fact.

"True...but not literally. It just means that mammas start to put down roots and make things cozy for their babies. They don't start to gather branches," Lani winked at the little girl clutching her hand.

"That's okay, we knew you were busy taking down the vampires so Thorson built a secret nest for you," Revna declared as they reached the last step.


Lanecea was officially speechless as she took in the sight of her very special nest. 

"You did this just for me?"

Thorson was going to make her cry.

"With a little bit of help."

Lanecea couldn't help it, showering her prince with very grateful kisses until he was just as breathless as she was, Thorson only breaking the kiss long enough to tell Revna she could make herself scarce now, but Lani laughed at the sight of Revna beginning to pout.

"That isn't lady-like, My Darling. Come sit with your Priestess Mamma. I've missed you so very much too and Thorson will have me all night, so can share me a little while longer, can't you?"

Poor Thorson wasn't able to get Lani to himself anytime soon as his brothers and sisters arrived soon afterward, but their awe at his creativity almost made up for his impatience. His siblings were very impressed.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now