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Lanecea never had a chance to escape.

The moment the rally officially ended, Paul reappeared, reaching for Lani's hand without saying a word as he held Deklan's hand, leading them through the milling throng toward the street where he'd parked his car.

"I'm taking you to Quebec," Paul finally broke the silence as he looked in his rearview mirror. "You're going to love it."

Mother and son grinned - of course they would love it. Quebec was their first major stop in their great plan toward freedom. Paul, however, had no intention of helping them cross through the forest into the United States, instead taking them out to dinner where members of the People's Party of Canada were gathered. 

Lani ordered for Deklan but didn't taste a bite just in case she choked her head off which would be embarrassing. Thankfully she followed her gut feeling as Maxime Bernier stepped onto the patio dining area, taking a seat less than six inches away from Lanecea. For certain she would have choked had she been eating, as the Canadian version of President Trump graced them with his presence. 

Bernier was a good man, not seeming to mind at all when Lanecea asked, "Please, Sir, I'm dying to know..."

Paul grinned as he leaned forward, a knowing look in his chestnut-brown eyes.

"...will you secure our borders first? I think it would be wonderful if the Canada/USA border was torn down. Perhaps if President Trump is re-elected, you would be able to work together to make North American great again and we and the American freedom fighters would make wonderful allies. We shouldn't be separated by a border."

Lani bit her bottom lip, preventing herself from adding, "and then after the border is torn down, we can join forces with our brothers to the south and route out the vampire nests."

The politian nodded, "We've been allies throughout is something to consider."

"Thank you for trying to save our country, Sir. I really hope you win the election."

"Thank you," the towering man smiled before turning his attention to a data report one of his assistants approached the table with.

Once again, Lani completely forgot about trying to escape, a new thought captivating her attention. She needed to find out what she could do personally to ensure her people used their brains and voted for this man.

"I'm flying out to Alberta within the hour," Bernier stood before looking down at Lanecea, "It was nice to meet you."

"Thank you, and to you as well. Have a safe flight."

It had definitely been what people would refer to as an "eek" moment, but Lanecea was far too regal. 

"He has to win the election," Lanecea announced to her companions. "Canada will perish if anyone else comes into power."


Lanecea's brain was in a fog on the way home, all dreams of escape long gone until Paul stopped at a gas station in a rural town. This was their last chance to make a run for it, Lanecea finally coming to her senses. 

Although she hated to lie and avoided it as all costs normally there was no other option, Lani supposed as she attempted to figure out exactly where they were or at least where the nearest house was located. If she and Deklan could reach the nearest farmhouse, perhaps the farmer would be kind and point them in the right direction, at the very least. Lanecea blushed realizing Paul had kept her far too distracted with his political conversation and she had long ago lost her sense of direction.

"Here's money for fuel - will you please tell Paul that I'm...."

Paul once again, shattered Lanecea's plans as he leaned back into the car.

"Well c'mon Deklan. Don't you want to watch me fill up the car?"

"I can?"

"Of course."

Deklan looked as though he had just recieved one of Willie Wonka's golden tickets as he scooted out of the backseat of the car, his excitement palpable as Paul showed him how he filled up the tank.

Lanecea wouldn't escape without her son, but her heart clenched as she saw the look of pure joy on Deklan's face. 

Lani passed the folded money to Paul before he headed into the building to pay for the gas, Deklan deciding to return to his mother's side instead of following Paul. Waiting until Paul had shook his head, no, refusing Lanecea's money then strode away, Deklan leaned closer to his mother before whispering in her ear.

"I wish I had a dad - a real dad."

Again Lanecea's heart squeezed painfully, but she nodded. 

"I have a plan," Lanecea whispered as Paul reappeared, her last and final escape attempt flying out the window.

"Here Buddy - I thought you might like these candies."

"Thank you!" 

Lanecea watched as Paul took a few minutes to finish off his cigarette before trying to pay for the fuel once again.

"It's important to me, Sir. Please take the money. I never want my son or I to be a burden and you were kind enough to take us to the rally. Please."

"If you insist," Paul finally agreed after seeing the look in Lani's eyes, "but I'm going to put it as a donation to the People's Party. It will cover your membership as well. We need your help, Lani. I need your help."

"That would be wonderful..." Lanecea sighed as her veins tingled. "Tell me, please," Lani leaned forward as Paul pulled out of the gas station, "how did you manage to get across the border and into the States? How long did you live in South America? Did you walk the entire way?"

"You wouldn't be able to make it on your own - not now. It isn't safe for a woman and a woman with a I won't tell you how I did it. If something were to happen to you... But to answer your other question, yes I did walk to South America and lived there for seven years."

"So it's doable."

"Of course. Anything is doable when you are determined. Now, let me tell you what I need you to work on when I get you back home. I need help to canvas the city. I will ensure you are well-stocked with flyers. You already are aware of the party's stance and can answer any question, but if something comes up, you'll have my number. Bernier offers hope..."

Lanecea waited for Paul to finish his sentence, but he seemed to be lost in thought.

"If I can get the Old Stocks to care, Bernier will be in power."

Lanecea was counting on their love for their ancestors. After all, Bernier was who they would have voted for, she was certain of it.

THE LAST SECRET KEEPER Secret Keeper series books 1-4Where stories live. Discover now