Chapter 1 - Night Sky of Sorrow

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"I saw hell"

A village is seen on fire. The houses that once stood tall, now turned to ashes upon the ground. The once cheerful noise of people enjoying their lives was turned into screams of anguish and pleads.

"I saw hell"

In this fire was a sea of corpses. Some were burned to the very bone, while others had their innards exposed from their bodies. The soil now tainted with the blood of innocent people.

"I saw the hell that the demons created"

The village was in flames. Nearly no one survived. However two things were seen. A boy around the age of 10 with slightly pale skin, brown eyes, and long, spiky black hair was seen with a rock. He wore a white kimono and black hakama pants tied with a gray cloth.

He was repeatedly smashing it against something, almost as if that if he stopped he would share the same fate as the other villagers. The other thing seen is what he was smashing.

This thing was his sister, only she wasn't her self. Her teeth became fangs, her hands became claws, her gaze that showed kindness and concerned was now turned to a gaze of hatred, sadness, and regret. She felt no anger towards her brother, in fact all she felt was sadness and regret. For her village been destroyed, for the villagers she's known and love to die such a horrible death, and for her to have her own brother kill her so she doesn't consume anyone.

But most of all, she was leave her brother alone in this world. And so she called out his name.

"Yozora, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i can't stay by your side"

The girl was beautiful to most. Her long black hair reaching down to her knees. Her red eyes resembling that of a ruby. She wore a gray haori over her Demon Slayer Corp uniform.

"Please Akame, don't go!!!! Mom died when she gave birth to me, dad died from his illness. Everyone in the village is gone!!! So please, don't leave me too!!!!"

Yozora looked at his sister with tears in his eyes as the sun slowly started to rise. He could see his sisters body starting to burn. Akame noticed but decided to speak to her brother one last time

"Yozora...i tried. I tried to save everyone, but i failed. Look at me now. I turned to a demon, the one who turned me into one destroyed our home, but rushed over here to save you. I'm sorry you have to do this, but i'd rather die than live knowing i could hurt you. But i still have faith. Faith in a future where everyone is happy and no one suffers. I couldn't make it come true.....but i know you can. Because you're my brother after all. So, get strong, make friends, protect all those you cherish."

The sun was now shining brightly in the sky. The birds singing, the flowers blooming. But there was no one there to enjoy it. The only person that was there was a young boy....who saw hell under the night sky. Yozora felt his consciousness about to slip away but before he did he heard a voice.

"So you're a survivor. Thank goodness!!!!! I'm sorry i did not make it in time but i shall keep you safe for the time being!!!!!"

Yozora could only think of this person as loud. But in all honestly he was glad someone found him. Soon he drifted into the world of dreams, as the person he found stared at him.

"Don't worry. I promise, we will avenge every single person lost here today. This i swear as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps!!!!"

 This i swear as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps!!!!"

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