Chapter 6 The Potential of a Nobody Pt.1

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Yozora is dashing through the woods with a sword in hand as the demon started chasing after him.

"Crapbaskets!!!!!!!! Why did i have to see a demon now of all times?"

Behind him the demon was hopping from tree to tree throwing daggers at him. However, Yozora's body seemed to move on its own as he turned around. The left arm, the right leg, the torso, and his chest. The hand in which he held the sword moved to these spots. Since he lacked any training he couldn't block all of them so his arm and leg were cut by two of the daggers, while the other two were repelled from his sword strikes.

"Dang it, i couldn't block them all. Wait a minute. That reacted to those daggers moving at me. Not only that but it still feels that demon's presence.......its a gamble but......i'll let my body react while using this sensation to predict his next move"

Yozora then charged at the demon. He took a deep breath and for a brief second he thought he could see through him. But as he blinked couldn't, so he assumed it was his imagination. He swung his sword upward as the demon moved and saw that he was defenseless.

"This boy, he is full of openings. I will slice off his arm and then rip out his arm than rip out his heart"

The demon then grabbed its dagger and went to slice Yozora's arm. However Yozora was using the momentum of his swing as he turned his body and landed a kick onto the demons arm, but later fell to the ground.

"What the hell? This kid left himself open with the sword swing, just to kick away my weapon. If he was seconds off he'd be dead already"

Yozora then hid behind some trees, trying to catch his breath. He felt his legs shaking. This was life or death. One screw up and he's a goner.

"Boy......what is your name"

The demon asked Yozora as it threw three daggers straight at him. Yozora ran to the side to dodge one and used his sword to block the other two. However he didn't feel the demon's presence until suddenly three daggers were flying at him from behind. He turned and swung his sword as fast as he could,but he only blocked one as the other two hit his shoulder and scrathed his cheek.

"I must say you held out long, boy. But i've seen the way you move. All the wasted energy. You're no swordsman. You're no demon slayer. You're nobody."

Yozora slowly stood up. The hair band that held his hair into a ponytail was destroyed so now his hair reached his back. There he was. Wounded, losing stamina, and barely able to keep up. Yet he chuckled.

"You're right. I'm a nobody. I'm not a genius like my sister, i'm not talented with a blade like my father, but....even still. Its because i'm a nobody....that i can become anybody."

For that moment the demon didn't see Yozora. His hair flowing in the wind, the look in his eyes. Yozora reminded the demon of the person who almost killed him. The person who sliced off his face and he became forced to wear the skull mask he has now. Yes, at this moment the demon saw an image of a girl with long black hair and red eyes next to Yozora. Little did he know the girl who's image haunts him and the boy he's facing are related more than he can imagine.

Yozora then glared at the demon as he uttered the same words his sister,Akame, said to the beast when she first fought him

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Yozora then glared at the demon as he uttered the same words his sister,Akame, said to the beast when she first fought him.

"Well then demon, let me show you the potential of a nobody."

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