Chapter 63 Remember Pt.1

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A man is seeing running away from some cops. He was being chased because he ran away before paying for the meal he had.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!!!!! This is not my lucky day. But at least i got to eat something good.....WAIT I CAN'T GO TO JAIL!!!! I WON'T MAKE IT IN THERE!!!!!"

Soon the man began jumping on top of roof buildings. He was going from one roof to another at incredible speed. The police couldn't keep up with him, so they gave up the search. The man was laughing to himself in a forest at how easy it was to escape.

"Hahaha. They have no idea who they're messing with. I am the king of dine and dash. Anyways, i better get home. Lan Fan might chew me out if i'm late again."

Soon the man began to walk deep into the forest. As he did, he sensed the ki of three people up ahead. As he kept walking he thought to himself.

"Man, to think i would have a loving wife and two children. I really am blessed with having a family. I just hope i can be the best husband and father i can be for them."

Soon the man found himself in front of a house. As he opened the door he saw his wife waiting for him. He wore a huge grin as he went inside to hug her.

"Lan Fan! I'm back ho-"

The man couldn't finish his sentence as his wife, Lan Fan, hit his head with a frying pan. She was staring down at the man with an irritated look.

"Ling.....don't tell me you ran away from yet another tab you owe to a restaurant."

"Imma so sorry. I don't speaka your language."


Lan Fan has Ling in a headlock as he's tapping the floor. She loves him, but sometimes he acts like a child too much.

"I TAP OUT!!!! I TAP OUT!!!! PLEASE STOP.............Lan Fan......we have a problem."

Lan Fan looked at Ling as he had a serious expression. Silence filled the air as she wondered what was so important. However, the only thing she heard was a stomach growling.

"Hungry.......need food."

"What am i gonna do with you? Okay, but first let me go put Onui to bed. She stayed up this whole time watching Tasuke when i was making dinner."

Ling was sitting in the living room by himself with a smile on his face. A beautiful wife, two kids he cherish dearly, and great food. He was content with his life, he had everything he ever wanted.

However, what Ling didn't notice were shadows slowly approaching his home. If one were to look closely, they would see eyes inside of the shadow.

~With Lan Fan~
Lan Fan walked into Onui and Tasuke's room. When she did, she saw Tasuke sleeping inside of his crib as Onui was looking at him. When she turned around she had a smile on her face.

"Don't worry. I put Tasuke to sleep just like you asked."

"You really are a good sister to him, Onui. I'm glad since i'm sure he'll appreciate your kindness when you grow up."

Onui smiled as she hugged her mother. However, the girl wanted to ask her mother something.

"Mother, that song you always sing. Why do you love it so much?"

"Well i sung it to your father when we first met. He said it was so soothing and it put him at ease. Believe it or not that song was in my family for so long that it's become a myth. They say the first male outside the family to hear the song, will be the same male who is always by your side."

Onui looked at her mother with widen eyes. In fact, she wondered if she'll find someone like that someday.

"Onui, when you find a person who you cherish more than anyone else and wants you to be happy be sure he hears that song. Who knows, if the myth is true he may be your future husband."

Lan Fan smiled at her daughter and pats her head. Soon she stood up and was about to go check on Ling.

"I love you, Onui and Tasuke. Your father does as well. Always remember that."

Soon Lan Fan went into the room where Ling was waiting. When she arrived, all she saw were twenty empty bowls.

"Huh, only twenty. Guess you weren't that hungry. Ling, is something wrong?"

"No, i just wanted the kids to fill their bellies so i held myself back so they can have seconds whenever they eat."

Lan Fan and Ling both smiled at each other. To be able to settle down is not an easy task, considering most people don't get to live this long. Suddenly Ling stood up quickly and looked at the door.

"Lan Fan, i want you to go to Tasuke and Onui's room. Grab them and leave through the back door."

"Is it an intruder?"

"Yeah.........and i have a bad feeling about this one."

Standing outside of their home was a young boy. As he walked towards the home, many shadows soon followed him.

"Well, well, well. It would seem i found a buffet. Though i think i found someone worthy of turning to a demon for my master. Now then, let us start the feast."


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