Chapter 42 A Demon Slayer or a Monster

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Rengoku and Yozora both stare at the demon. It was tough enough just to kill the thing once. Now they had to do it again and it got stronger.

"Goodness!!!! It seems that this one will be difficult to beat. Yozora do you have any plans."

"Well i made a new form for my breath. The thing is the last time i used it my sword got destroyed. But.............."

Yozora looked at the demon's axe sword that seemed to be made out of some type of marble. He started to get an idea but whether or not he could pull it off was the question.

Rengoku and Yozora stand back to back. The demon charged at them with even greater speed than before. They didn't have time for a plan now, they needed to rely on their instincts.

"Shigure Soen Ryu,Tenth Form:Clash of Swallow!!!!"

Yozora becomes coated in high pressured water as he charged with great speed and power. The demon held it's hands forward and caught Yozora. The attack rips its hands apart the longer it held on, the demon felt itself being pushed back.

"I have to keep going...i have to give Rengoku-san an opening!!!! Shigure Soen Ryu,Eleventh Form:Swallow's Beak!!!!"

Soon Yozora rapidly thrusts his sword numerous times at the demon, resembling a flock of attacking swallows. The demon roared as it felt it's flesh getting pierced repeatedly.

"Nice one, i shall take it from here. Breath of Flames,Ninth Style-"

Rengoku stopped his attack as he saw the demon shifting to the right. If he continued his attack Yozora would've been hit instead. When the demon saw this, he punched Rengoku through several trees.


Soon Rengoku stood up from where he was. His left arm was broken as blood dripped from his head. Seeing this Yozora faced the demon.

"It's because of you that Nora lived in fear, innocent people were devoured, and Rengoku-san being injured. I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!!!"

Suddenly Yozora threw his sword at the demon. The demon prepared to block the blade, but Yozora grabbed the sword by the chain at the base of its hilt and cuts the demons arm off. Soon he pulled his sword back in and threw it again. The demon jumped back, but Yozora pulled the chain letting the sword go back in his hand.

"Breath of the Moon,First Form: Dark Moon - Evening Palace!!!"

Yozora draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a single motion; like with all Breath of the Moon techniques, numerous chaotic crescent shaped blades originate from the slash. The demon felt it's chest being cut open by the attack. Rengoku was impressed by what he saw.

"By using the chain on his sword, he used it as a bladed whip. Then when he threw the demon off guard he brings it to his hand to launch a close ranged attack. Amazing."

The demon's head was sliced off its body by the crescent blades that came from Yozora's attack. Though its body seemed to radiate even more strength as it placed the head back into place while the wound was healing.

"Shigure Soen Ryu,First Form:Axle of Rain!!!!!"

Yozora is charges forward with great speed as he impaled the demon with his blade. Soon he removed the sword and kicks the demon away.

"Shigure Soen Ryu, Eighth Form:Pouring Rain!!!!"

Yozora charged at the demon and slashed it, only his blade cuts around him to perform a cross slash. The demon felt its body being ripped and slashed apart. Once more the head was sliced off but that seemed to have only fueled its wrath even more. Once its head was back into place it soon picks up a tree and hits Yozora away with it.

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