Wyoming X Male Reader: Christmas

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:3.... you guys should know....

You played with his moustance. He was sleeping so he didn't notice. As you curled it up, you decided to do a little joke.

You got out your secret candy. Took out the caramel, melted it, and went to Wyoming. You carefully dipped his sides onto the caramel. Trying not to laugh. As were done, you got up and ran.

"Guys, guys!" They all looked at you, holding a cup of caramel. "Helo me hide this!" "Why do you..." "No time!" They helped me hide it. Of course, all I had to do was wait.

"Hello lads." We all turned to see him. Then everyone chuckled and laughed. All but you, as you took a sip of your drink. While you looked calm, in the inside, you were laughing. Wyoming was confused and even a bit pissed. When a found a reflection. He got super pissed.

He went around to everyone. Even you, but not even you were the culprit. The whole day, be was eyeing and some people. Wondering who was sneaky enough to do this. But of course you went on your day.

When the day was over, you decided to go to your. But your mouth was covered and knocked out.

"Wake up lad." "Mmm..." You opened your eyes to see Wyoming without a shirt. You had a nosebleed. Then, realized that your hands were tied behind your back. "Wyoming... what is this?" "Why, your punishment... did you really think I was that dumb? Oh please..." He said, going to you and taking off your pants. "No please, I swear it won't happen... aah..." You felt him poking your hole. "Wyoming..  were you..."

Then, thrusted into your hole. You screamed, as he thrusted into you. You squrimed a lot, bit that made his thrust in you more. It hurt and it was pleasure. "Blame this on yourself." When he pounded into your prosate. "GGGGaaahhhh!" You moaned, arching your back. As that wave of instense pleasure came in. Causing you to cum. "Bad idea lad." As he plulled you closer. Getting access in your insides. "Wy-" "Reggie" "Reggie... I... can't... ha ha.. " "Oohhh, I think so too darling. Now, I hope you're ready to be claimed!" He said, before shooting his cannon in you.

You panted in relief. As you looked at Reggie with clouded eyes. "Hey... you still have that caramel?"

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