Alix x Short! Suicidal! Reader Lemon

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Anxiety courses through my veins.

I'm meeting Alix's father today. From what Alix has told me, her father is a historian and is particularly interested in Egyptian history. I've been researching some Egyptian history since Alix brought up the meeting. Her father seems nice enough from Alix's description, but it can't hurt to get on his good side, right?

We're meeting him at a restaurant, and I mean a fancy restaurant. Alix told me I shouldn't dress like I'm going to a meeting at the palace since her father wouldn't mind too much. Regardless, I meet up with Alix in front of the restaurant wearing a (f/c) blouse with black jeans. Not too fancy, but not like I didn't try.

Alix smiles when she sees me, before she looks me up and down. I blush and try to shrink back and hide. Oh wait, I can't. Not wearing a hoodie. Alix, on the other hand, is dressed casually as if this was just another school day.

"I should take back what I said. I would have loved to see you in a dress."

My blush becomes darker as I bury my face in my hands. I hope it's dark in the restaurant so that Alix's father can't see how flustered his daughter makes me.

I look back up at Alix as she grabs my hands. She stares at me as if asking a question without actually speaking. I nod. Alix knows that she would not push me to meet her father if I wasn't ready.

She leads me inside. We walk around for about a minute before we approach a table. The man sitting there stands and holds his hand out to me. I shake it.

"Alim Kubdel. You can call me Alim or Mr. Kubdel, whichever you are more comfortable with."

Wow. I've never met parents other than my own that allow literal strangers to call them by their first name.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Please, call me (Y/N)."

Alix pulls out my chair for me. I see Alim smile in the corner of my eye as I sit. Alix gently pushes my chair in before taking her own seat and removing her hat. A waiter takes our order almost immediately after. Great service.

Alim folds his hands as he looks at me.

"(Y/N), I'm curious. Ever since she's met you, Alix has been more... animated about everything. Sure, she still has her stubborn charm, but you've really made an impact on her life. Why is that?"

I glance over at Alix. She's shifting around a bit. She gives a nervous smile as she rubs the back of her neck. I return my gaze to Alim as I grab Alix's hand.

"Honestly, Alix and I have known each other for a while. We started dating when I was at my darkest point. At first, it just started off as Alix being someone to guide me out of that dark place step by step."

I break eye contact with Alim to lookat Alix, whose blush I can barely see due to the lighting.

"When she said 'I love you', that's when things started looking up. Now that we're dating, I wonder if Alix was ever straightforward with her feelings and I just didn't notice at the time."

When I look back at Alim, he has a sympathetic expression. I let out a nervous laugh.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to steer this in a depressing direction. I... hear you're a historian specializing in Egyptian history? What is the best discovery you have ever made?"

Alim lights up at this and gladly makes the change in topic.


After dinner, I thank Alim profusely before Alix and I leave. Normally, we talk while we walk, but it's quiet. I think I'm ready. Alix speaks up as we approach my house.

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