Luka x Reader

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My head hits Luka's pillow.

I'm just waiting for him to get back from an appointment. Juleka let me on the boat and silently went to her room afterwards.

I smile as I look around Luka's room. It's so... him. It makes me happy.

Before I met Luka, I felt nothing.

More like numb. I just felt so separated from everything and everyone else. It's like I didn't even exist at all.

When I did feel something, I was always sad. I was broken, and I had no idea how to fix myself. So much pain in so little time.

I felt hopeless, like, why was I even here? I know that people are depressed, but how does the brain get to such a point where it makes you feel like absolutely nothing?

That changed when I met Luka.

Luka was and still is so patient with everything. He aims to bring out the absolute best in people no matter how they treat him.

I thought he was dating Marinette, and he probably was for a while, but then he asked me out.

I only accepted because I wanted to feel something other than sadness. Even if he couldn't fix all my problems, I wanted something to feel, even if it was just feeling vicariously through Luka's emotions.

I personally thought Luka was just fucking with me when he confessed. Like dude, if I don't even like the way I look, why would you?

Especially compared to someone as good looking as Luka, I looked like a fucking potato put in a blender on the highest setting.

Every single time I self-deprecate myself, Luka always tells me I'm amazing and perfect just the way I am. I guess he lives by the mindset of 'if you tell yourself something enough times, you'll believe it eventually'.

Well, it worked.

I can now proudly say I'm out of that dark place now. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I'm confident and can properly return Luka's affection now.

He just makes me so happy, I almost can't believe he's real.

"What song is going on in your pretty head?"

I jump up at the sudden voice and see Luka standing next to me. He smiles and holds his hand out. I gladly take it.

"I have a surprise for you. I think you'll like it."

I just smile and nod. I trust Luka. If he thinks I'll like something, I usually do.

He leads me to the bathroom. Juleka is standing there with hair dye materials. He gestures for me to sit on a stool.

"We won't touch your hair if you don't want to do this."

I jump up happily and squeeze Luka's hands.

"Of course I want to do this. You two would have been the first people I asked to dye my hair."

Juleka gives a small smile as I sit on the stool. Luka smiles and stands behind me as they get started.


"Okay (Y/N). You can look in the mirror now."

I turn around and nearly squeal at the sight. I've never been one to dye my hair, but damn, that looks good.

I turn toward Luka and Juleka. Luka is blushing while rubbing the back of his neck. Juleka is just smiling.

"Thank you so much you two. I love it."

Juleka nods while Luka pulls me into a hug. He reaches around me to grab something before holding me at arm's length.

He places a rose in my hair. Oh fuck, now I'm blushing.

"I have another surprise for you."

I just smile even wider as he leads me out to his bike. We put on our helmets before getting on.

"Are you steady?"

I nod before Luka takes off. We're zooming through the streets of Paris on a bike. A fucking bike.

We stop at the Eiffel Tower. There are lights shining in my favorite colors. Did Luka set this up?

I take his hand once more as he leads me to the elevator in the Eiffel Tower. Once we're at the top, I see a message written in the sky.

'I love you, (Y/N)'

I turn to Luka.

"Luka, this is perfect!"

He smiles before kissing me on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as I deepen the kiss.

Luka's hand rakes through my newly dyed hair as he pulls away. His other hand cups my cheek.

"You're perfect."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now