Ms. Mendeleiev x Reader

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I exit the stall and wash my hands, making sure to clean every single crevice and under every single nail.

"(Y/N), are you done in there? The bus is leaving soon."

I quickly dry my hands and rush out of the bathroom, joining Ms. Mendeleiev. We walk in silence out of the museum. Ms. Mendeleiev looks around, her brow furrows. She pulls out her phone and calls someone.

"Caline! Where is the bus?"

I can't hear what is being said on the other end, but Ms. Mendeleiev's expression just contorts into one of anger.

"What do you mean the bus has left?! I told you I would escort (Y/N) to the bathroom and to not leave until we returned."

After a few seconds, Ms. Mendeleiev ends the call and sighs.

"The bus is coming back for us. Come on, I can't leave you out of my sight."

I follow Ms. Mendeleiev to a nearby bench.

"Ma'am, forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but who is Caline?"

Ms. Mendeleiev is rummaging through her bag.

"Ms. Bustier. Caline is her first name."

I give an 'ah' in response and twiddle my thumbs. I look over at Ms. Mendeleiev once again and see her lighting a cigarette.

I am surprised, but only just a bit. If Ms. Mendeleiev wants to smoke, I won't say anything against her choices, but it just surprises me that she did it in front of a student.

Ms. Mendeleiev takes a long hit off of her cigarette. I stare at the smoke. I know it's just smoke, but something about it seems so... mesmerizing.

"I would offer you one, but I don't think that's allowed of me as a teacher, nor do I think you should be smoking at your age, even if it's the legal age."

I look at Ms. Mendeleiev. Even for smoking a cigarette, something about her seems so elegant.

"Again, I apologize if this sounds ignorant, but why do you smoke? I get that it's a stress reliever, but you even said I shouldn't be smoking. Also, as a woman of science, you would definitely know the risks smoking brings upon your health, and the health of those around you."

Ms. Mendeleiev smiles before blowing out more smoke.

"I do know the health implications of smoking. I only started smoking when I became a teacher."

Ah, shit. Now I feel bad. If I thought my classmates were horrible when I was younger, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for a teacher who has to endure it every single day for several years.

"At first, it was fine. I taught earlier aged secondary school. Those kids, I would say, are even worse than Chloé. She is only bad because of her upbringing, those kids were bad just to be bad."

"I understand, Ms. Mendeleiev. However, I don't think I understand completely. I agree that students around that age are awful, but that is what makes me sympathize with teachers when they act the way they do."

Ms. Mendeleiev smiles.

"I believe you do understand completely. Especially since you are a more reserved student than the rest, you probably get as annoyed as me when a class acts up. The only difference between us is that I have to teach several of these classes, several times a day. You have to sit through those classes, and I know that you're probably the most academically driven student, next to Marinette."

Damn, they really need to pay teachers more, or give them more vacation time, or both.

"In all honesty, your class is not so bad. Sure, Chloé is a bit of a brat, but that is to be expected when her father is the mayor and could get me fired at any moment."

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora