Luka x Shy! Short! Reader

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Alya nudges me toward the cute boy across the room.

Even if I didn't think he was cute, I still wouldn't talk to him. I'm so shy, I barely even talk when I'm with my friends. I just let them carry the conversation.

"Come on (Y/N). How is Luka going to know how you feel if you don't tell him?"

That's the thing. I don't plan on telling him. I'll just stay quiet with my unspoken feelings for the rest of my life.

After seeing my refusal to talk to Luka myself, a devilish smile creeps on Alya's face.

"Hey Luka! Can you come over here for a second?"

I panic and try to hide behind Alya.

How could she do this to me? Throw me out there with no preparations whatsoever.

Even if I was prepared, I still wouldn't initiate a conversation with Luka.

Speaking of, as soon as he approaches us, he smiles at me. I give a shy smile back, but Alya pushes me in front of her.

"Oh would you look at that? Marinette is calling me on my phone that is definitely not on 'do not disturb'. Well, you two have fun."

With that, Alya literally sprints away, and I can tell she's waiting around the corner even if she doesn't poke her head out.

I slowly turn back to Luka, who has been patiently waiting this whole time.


While he's thinking of what to say, Luka starts to blush.

Huh? Isn't blushing and looking away my job as the short and shy girl?

After rubbing the back of his neck, Luka takes my hands into his own.

I blush at the action and end up looking away until he clears his throat.

"(Y/N)... I was wondering if you would like to go on a date sometime? Preferably when neither of us are busy or when there's a villain, of course."

I smile.

Did Luka really just ask me out? Me? Of all people?

So many feelings are swirling around inside me, telling me to shout 'yes!' over and over again.

"I would definitely like that."

Everything inside of me is cheering. My heart is pounding, there are butterflies in my stomach, and I feel a bit dizzy.

I actually start to sway somewhat and Luka has me sit down. I wave him off.

"I'm okay, just extremely excited for our date."

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