Neko! Alix x Werewolf! Reader

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A strange smell makes my nose twitch.

I sniff and look around. Nothing looks out of place. Everyone is just doing their schoolwork while talking.

This smell is so familiar... A cat?

I shake my head again.

It's at least something similar to a cat. There's another scent that makes it kind of hard to tell.

Whatever the source is, it's somewhere in this classroom. Most of the people here don't have their head covered, so I just have to narrow it down.

It is cold today, so a couple of students are wearing jackets when they normally wouldn't. Hmmm, I can see their ears, though, so they're not part cat.

Mylène has adjusted her bandana so it covers her ears. I can't tell if it's her, but he scent seems to be coming from that area.


Her hair does cover her ears, and her hat could easily hide cat ears, but her shorts? I suppose she could successfully hide her tail if she tried hard enough.

I growl just thinking about it.

I've never shown my werewolf form to anyone outside of my family. At least, I don't think I have.

I remember a story when I was younger about a wolf roaming my hometown. That was me exploring, but they never caught me on video, so I don't count that as showing people what I look like.

I look back down at my work. I guess I'll have to find out later.


I'm apologizing profusely in my head. If Alix isn't who holds that scent, I want her to know I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to do.

It's somewhat dark out, but Alix is usually practicing until very late at night. We've hung out together a few times, but I've never picked up the scent before now. I wonder if she was using something to hide the scent?

I shove those thoughts to the back of my mind as I see Alix rolling around with a determined look on her face. I slink behind some trees with a ray of moonlight shining between them.

I transform, feeling patches of fur sprout along my body. I drop down on all fours as my body begins to change.

After the transformation, the colors in my vision are a little muddy, but I can see so much better right now. Specifically, I see Alix looking in my direction. Her eyes scan the general area I'm in while she removes her rollerblades.

As far as I'm aware, I didn't make any noise. If Alix does have some feline DNA, she would have been able to hear me, or maybe even see me just like I can see her.

I bare my teeth and slowly approach, waiting until Alix turns her back. As soon as she does so, I rush out from my hiding spot.

A few steps into my pursuit, Alix begins running. She tries to lose me by turning around several corners, but I still end up finding her every single time.

Eventually, I have her trapped at a dead end.

Alix backs up as much as she can. I slowly approach her as I howl at the moon.

"Are you the cat person?"

Alix is surprised by my voice. It's like she expected me to just eat her. I guess that can happen when something starts chasing you at night.

I take another step closer as Alix hesitantly reaches for her helmet.

"A neko?"

I huff.

"If that is what you call cat people, then yes. A neko."

I say the word as if it's completely foreign to me. I guess it is since I've never heard it before.

Alix removes her helmet, causing two triangular shaped ears to pop up. She reaches back and pulls out her tail a few seconds later.

After looking her up and down for a bit, I transform back into a human.

I smile while Alix's eyes widen.

"It's only fair for you to know who I am since I know your secret. Come, I'll walk you home."

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