Ladybug x Akumatized! Reader

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"And this one? What does this one mean?"

I carefully pluck the card from Rose's hand. I set it down. It's facing her upright.

"The Fool. The first of the major arcana with a rank of 0. When it's upright, which is the position it's in right now, it can represent new beginnings, like a leap of faith. Typically, it means something good could come out of a new experience."

I turn the card upside down so that it's upright to me while being reversed to Rose.

"When it's reversed like this, it basically means you're stupid. It may not mean you specifically, but more likely certain decisions that you've made, or it could even represent indecisiveness and naivety."

A few students 'ooh' and 'aah' as I continue explaining what certain tarot cards mean.

Personally, I believe people should take tarot readings with a grain of salt. You don't want to believe everything you're being told because you'll start to worry if your reading is bad. You also don't want to be so skeptical about it that it ruins the fun for other people.

When I'm in the middle of explaining the Devil, someone snatches the card from my hand. I already have an idea of who it is.

"Do you all really believe this nonsense?"

Chloé inspects the card, turning it this way and that, as if the meaning of it will suddenly pop out at her if she looks at it long enough.

I stand and cross my arms.

"You can believe whatever you want about tarot. I'm kind of in the middle of something, so can I have the card back?"

Chloé narrows her eyes at the card before placing her fingers on separate ends. I already know what she's doing, but it doesn't click in my head fast enough.

Both halves of the card flutter to the ground.

"Hopefully this will help you open your eyes to this sort of thing."

Chloé leaves with Sabrina as I kneel down.

If this was just a standard tarot deck, I wouldn't care as much. This deck was passed down from my great grandmother. It's made with custom designs, but the meanings are the same nonetheless.

The other students just look around at each other. None of them know what to say or do. I even told them it was a custom deck and that nothing could replace it. Nothing.

I gather the two halves and place them on top of the deck. The other students suddenly scurry away. I know Chloé ruined it, but don't you all think that's a little too much?

As I look back at the deck, an akuma flies in.

Oh, that's why.

The purple moth outline appears in front of me.

"Fortuna, I am Hawkmoth. Custom made items are special to anyone. Yours has been ruined, but I can fix it. I will give you the ability to bring out the literal power within these cards. In return, you must get me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. Do we have a deal?"

I look down at the torn card. Something in me doesn't want to do this, and I know exactly what it is. My feelings for Ladybug.

I've always told myself that if I ever got an akuma, I wouldn't take the deal because I don't want to hurt Ladybug. Now, I'm not too sure. It just feels like it should be done.

"We have a deal."

Black clouds surround me. I stay completely still as it happens, not entirely sure if I can do anything. I've never been akumatized before.

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