Yandere! Marin x Sweet! Friendly! Flirty! Reader Lemon

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You know when you get the feeling that you're being watched? That's not a good feeling, especially when you get it all the time.

I first had that feeling after I moved here and specifically when I went to school.

Isn't school supposed to be a place where students can feel safe from others? Apparently not this school.

That uneasy feeling gets stronger, and I even feel like someone is approaching me. Nothing will happen to me in broad daylight, right?

I grip my phone so hard, it might break, but I need to call someone.


I scream and whirl around, only to see Marin smiling at me. I punch his shoulder.

"Marin! What did you do that for?! I was terrified!"

Marin laughs while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but I couldn't resist. Ready to walk home?"

I nod and start walking without another word. I'm still kind of heated from Marin scaring me like that, but I can't stay mad at him for long.

When I started feeling on edge, I asked Marin to walk me home. Recently, I haven't had to ask him. He just knows when it's time to leave.

"I can never thank you enough for doing this for me. I know you probably have better things to do than walk me home every day."

Marin smiles as we stop in front of my house.

"I really don't mind at all. I'll do anything to make sure you get home safe. I'll even beat up anyone who tries to kidnap you even if it puts my life on the line. All to make sure you get away safely."

Marin flexes before punching the air a few times.

"With those muscles, I'm sure you'll be able to protect me from anything."

I squeeze his arm and he blushes.

"Again, thank you for doing this. It really means a lot to me. I promise to pay you back sometime."

With that, I unlock the door to my house.

As always, Marin stays behind to make sure I get inside. This time, though, I see him staring at the key as I hold it in my hand.


Phew. Finally done with all that homework. Now I can just sit here relaxing for the rest of the night and-

I think I just heard the front door open.

That doesn't make sense. My parents aren't supposed to return from their vacation for another week.

Whoever entered the house is now making their way to my room.

I can't lock myself in the bathroom now because they'll see me. I have nothing to defend myself with, and I don't know how fast emergency responders will get here.

I freeze once the footsteps stop in front of my door. I can't hear anyone breathing on the other side, nor can I hear any movement.

I get down on the ground to look under the door.

...No one is there? Am I just hearing things?

I know I've been kind of jumpy lately, but I don't think it's gotten bad enough to where I start getting audio hallucinations.

Against my instinct, I open the door.

Nothing is there.

I peek out to the left, only for someone from behind to push a syringe into my neck.

Miraculous Ladybug x Female Reader Oneshots - COMPLETEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu