Alix x Insecure! Reader

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I look around Marinette's room at everyone else.

It's a sleepover. Woohoo!

Except for the voice in my head telling me I shouldn't be here. Looking around at everyone else shows me that they're all better than me.

Better looks, better personalities, even better voices. All of their voices sound angelic, even Juleka's when she speaks loud enough. Mine just sounds like a record scratching on repeat.

Don't even get me started on hobbies. What do I even like to do again?

Marinette likes designing clothes and other things. Alya is a reporter for the Ladyblog. Juleka, while quiet, does have quite an ear for music. Rose is Rose, what can't I say about her?

Alix is the best one of them all.

She loves rollerblading, as well as any other types of extreme sports. While she has a tough exterior, she does care about her friends deeply and will fight anyone to the death to prove it.

Alix is just a great person all around, you know?

Again, what the fuck do I even do? Just sit around on my phone? Is that even a hobby? If it is, it has to be the most dull hobby on the planet. Button collecting is better than that.

I need to find something better to do, like cave diving. Although, I probably would fall. My balance isn't the greatest and with my luck the harness would break even if it was the best in the world.

I'm brought out of the storm in my mind by a warm hand on my shoulder. I blink a few times, only to come face to face with Marinette.

"Sorry. Just spaced out for a minute."

Alix snorts.

"A minute? You were in your own head for at least ten. We might have to climb in there ourselves to see what you're thinking about all the time."

I know Alix means that as a joke, but it still doesn't stop the worry rising inside me.

What, you're going to go into my head and be bombarded with the self-deprecating thoughts I think all the time?

At least the only good part would be the high praise and positive comments I have about my friends.

Get through the storm and you'll see the sunlight.

"We're going to go, uh, make some pastries for all of us? Yeah! So, why don't you two hold down the fort while we go do... that. Okay? Great, thanks!"

Marinette ushers Alya, Rose, and Juleka out of the room.

I want to make pastries! Then again, I'll probably mess up and spill everything everywhere.


I look over at Alix.

"You're thinking negative things about yourself. Everyone can tell when you're doing it. Stop that."

What? People can tell? I thought I just sat there with a blank expression while the storm was raging in my head.

Maybe that's it. If I'm not showing any type of emotion, can people tell that I'm thinking about bad things?

Who knows. The world is confusing.

Alix shifts closer to me.

"You need to have more confidence in yourself. How do you expect to get anything done if you think you can't do it?"

Girl, can you not be honest for once?

I just want to hide right now. I know I need more confidence. I know I need higher self-esteem, but it's just not there for me.

Alix sighs and ruffles her hair in frustration. That's kind of cute.

When she catches me staring, I quickly look away. Funny, I have no problem admiring other people, but when it comes to myself, I'm a hot mess.

I look back at Alix when I feel something soft on my lips. Oh wait, it's her lips.

I blush furiously and close my eyes. I can't bear to look at Alix like this, I'll probably faint.

Alix pulls away with a light blush.

"You're beautiful."

Alix looks taken aback by my compliment, then smiles.

"Turn that on yourself. YOU'RE beautiful. I won't stop telling you until you truly believe it for yourself."

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