Alix x Stalker! Reader

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I peek around the corner.

Alix is currently with her friends at the park. I've been following her all day, but this has just made it worse.

Now that her friends are here, they will block my view of her. Move, damn it!

They seem to be hyping Alix up for something. The only reason I don't want to come out from my hid ingspot is because they'll talk to me.

Once they talk to me, they will know I'm here. It will seem weird if I just stopped by to say hi, but ended up following Alix while watching her every move.

Anyway, after some persistent requests, Alix finally nods. She does some stretches to warm up.

I already know what she's doing. Alix is going to do a new flip trick she spent so much time perfecting. I should know, because I sat and watched her do it for hours. When she was done, I followed her home just to make sure she was safe.

I adjust my position a bit to get more comfortable. I'm not sure how much longer she'll be here, but I might as well sit in a way that doesn't make my legs fall asleep.

Alix starts rolling. I watch her legs as her speed increases. Alix may be small, but you can't tell me her legs aren't toned.

Once she is at full speed, Alix jump sup and begins to somersault in the air. She uses her momentum to aid her in performing increased cycles, pretty much looking like a human ball at this point.

Alix firmly plants one foot down, before springing back up to do one last somersault. This time, she lands with both feet on the ground, standing completely still.

I do not understand the science behind it. I would maybe understand if she landed with the front or back of the foot on the ground first, but she lands right on the wheels. How does she not roll upon landing, even just a little bit?

The group claps and cheers. I do as well, but much more quietly. That was just as great as the first time I saw her perform the stunt.

Alix bows to her audience as they compliment her. I'm sure I could do better with the compliments. I could make her feel like the most important person in the world. I just need the right time.

The sun is going down. Now I can come out.

The others left some time ago, but I didn't want to risk being seen in the daylight. Alix is still at the park practicing new moves.

I move in, weaving from tree to tree as Alix rolls around the park. When I stop, I'm only a few feet from the actual path, but still covered by the trees. I made a good choice to wear black today.

I love seeing Alix like this. Determined, especially when it's with a hobby. Sure, people can be determined to do schoolwork, but they kind of have to.

Hobbies are free reign. You can choose to put little effort or a lot of effort, and most of the time, putting in a lot of effort pays off in the long run.

I look toward the setting sun. It's almost completely set now. Alix, I think you need to start making your way home. We don't want anything happening to you now, would we?

As if she can hear my thoughts, Alix does one final lap before leaving. I quickly follow her, making sure to stay away from the street lights.

I keep my breathing quiet, as well as my footsteps. I'm also sure to stay away just far enough so she doesn't see me if she turns around.

Suddenly, Alix breaks out into a sprint. She knows I'm following her, she just doesn't know it's me. Thankfully, I know the path she's going to take, so I slip into a nearby alleyway.

I weave through the dark, narrow passageways and wait at a dimly lit opening. I hear someone approaching rather quickly and shrink into the shadows. Soon, Alix passes me while slowing down.

I step out, brushing off any dirt as I begin walking again. This time, Alix spins around, anger showing on every part of her face.


I give my most genuine smile. Alix's demeanor shifts. Just now, she was angry and scared, ready to fight someone if she had to. Now? She's relieved. Maybe even a bit... shy?

I approach her. This time, she doesn't try to run.

"Fancy meeting you here. What are you doing out this late at night?"

Alix could just ask me that exact same question. However, I know she won't. She's still shaken from believing someone was following her. She's not wrong, but she doesn't know that the threat is no longer following her.

Alix shoves her hands in her pockets and looks around me.

"I'm just heading home. Could you...walk with me?"

I smile and nod. Anything for her.

As we start walking again, Alix moves closer to me. Her arm keeps brushing against mine. Every time this happens, she moves away slightly, before eventually moving back in.

I don't mind at all. In her mind, I make her feel safe. That's one of the things people want from a romantic partner, right?

After a few minutes, we finally reach our destination. We turn to each other.

"I hope I was a good enough walking buddy."

Alix taps her fingers together before saying anything.

"You weren't the issue at all. It's just... I was being followed. I don't know who was following me, but I had a feeling that I just had to get away from that area as quick as possible."

I watch Alix. She's still not sure if it's safe out. She's still looking around occasionally even though there really is no one else around. I can't hear anyone else for a mile away. We're safe here.

I pull Alix into a hug. Since she's small, I'm able to almost completely envelop her with my body. I smile as she returns the embrace, still slightly shaking.

I hold her until she stops. Alix pulls back, before leaning in to peck my cheek.

Upon processing what happened, I let her go, raising a hand to where she kissed me.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Alix smiles before entering her house. I watch her until the door closes.

Don't worry Alix. I will keep you safe, even if it's the last thing I do.

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